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Wow, I'm a witch this morning.......

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As of this moment, it’s been 36 hours and 50 minutes since I smoked a cigarette.


And, as of this very second, I wish to God I had a cigarette to smoke.


That’s just the way I feel right now. I do know that this feeling will pass, however. It doesn’t help that I have a freakin’ headache the size of Texas right now, and that I had wild dreams that woke me up last night every hour, on the hour – thank YOU, nicotine patch.


I’m so damn grouchy, I can hardly stand myself. The kids are going with their Mom for Thanksgiving today. The only ones in the house will be me and the hubby. I pity the fool who gets in my way today. Honestly, I do. When I let the dog out this morning for her morning pee, I wanted to smoke so badly I was clenching my jaws. My molars hurt from clenching so hard.


And I may as well state for the record right now that I am NOT following any freakin’ liquid diet anymore until I get over these damn cravings for cigarettes. I don’t even have a surgery date, for God’s sake, so I’m not going to try to quit smoking AND quit eating (essentially) at the same time. I’m strong, but I ain’t THAT strong, honey.


Damn, I’m grouchy.


I can’t wait until tomorrow night at 7:00pm. That hour will mark 72 hours since I had a cigarette – notice, I didn’t say, “…since I had my LAST cigarette…” – remember, I’m keeping my options open this time – that’s what’s gonna make this quit different than the last one.


ANYWAY…….where was I? Oh, yeah. Friday – tomorrow night – at 7:00pm will mark 72 hours since I had a cigarette. They say that the first 72 hours are the worst for cigarette cravings (whoever the Hell THEY are….who makes up this shit?). So, I’m guessing that about 8:00pm tomorrow night I’ll be in a MUCH better mood.


I’d better be because, like I said, I’m so caustic just now I can hardly stand my own self.


Better get the stupid turkey out and see if it’s thawed enough to cook it. It’s now been precisely 37 hours since I’ve smoked a cigarette.


Yee Haw . Damn cigarette cravings.

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As of this moment, it’s been 36 hours and 50 minutes since I smoked a cigarette.

And, as of this very second, I wish to God I had a cigarette to smoke.

That’s just the way I feel right now. I do know that this feeling will pass, however. It doesn’t help that I have a freakin’ headache the size of Texas right now, and that I had wild dreams that woke me up last night every hour, on the hour – thank YOU, nicotine patch.

I’m so damn grouchy, I can hardly stand myself. The kids are going with their Mom for Thanksgiving today. The only ones in the house will be me and the hubby. I pity the fool who gets in my way today. Honestly, I do. When I let the dog out this morning for her morning pee, I wanted to smoke so badly I was clenching my jaws. My molars hurt from clenching so hard.

And I may as well state for the record right now that I am NOT following any freakin’ liquid diet anymore until I get over these damn cravings for cigarettes. I don’t even have a surgery date, for God’s sake, so I’m not going to try to quit smoking AND quit eating (essentially) at the same time. I’m strong, but I ain’t THAT strong, honey.

Damn, I’m grouchy.

I can’t wait until tomorrow night at 7:00pm. That hour will mark 72 hours since I had a cigarette – notice, I didn’t say, “…since I had my LAST cigarette…” – remember, I’m keeping my options open this time – that’s what’s gonna make this quit different than the last one.

ANYWAY…….where was I? Oh, yeah. Friday – tomorrow night – at 7:00pm will mark 72 hours since I had a cigarette. They say that the first 72 hours are the worst for cigarette cravings (whoever the Hell THEY are….who makes up this shit?). So, I’m guessing that about 8:00pm tomorrow night I’ll be in a MUCH better mood.

I’d better be because, like I said, I’m so caustic just now I can hardly stand my own self.

Better get the stupid turkey out and see if it’s thawed enough to cook it. It’s now been precisely 37 hours since I’ve smoked a cigarette.

Yee Haw . Damn cigarette cravings.

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Have you considered getting on welbutrin while you are quitting? It might take the edge off a bit for you. Good luck on your journey of being smoke free!!

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The nicotine patches gave me freaky dreams too, so that's why I take it off about 2 hours before I go to bed, and it seems to make a difference. Also, we have 2 toy poodles that I used to let out in the morning and I would have my first cigarette then. For now, my hubby let's them out first thing, so I don't have to go through that. I miss my back porch in the morning and my first cigarette. Hopefully, I'll get to the point to where I can go back out there without the cravings hitting too hard :P

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KariK - yeah, I'm already on Wellbutrin since the last time I quit. When I hit the four-week mark the last time, I had SEVERE depression and crying spells, like you wouldn't believe. So I asked my doc for Wellbutrin and he gave it to me. It might be helping this time. I'll see when the four-week mark rolls around!

angelburch - yes, I miss the morning cigarette, too. The important thing is that I'm not CRAVING the cigarette this morning, like I was yesterday morning. That's a huge difference for me. I miss smoking while driving, too. It's like missing a dear friend. Isn't that stupid?

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