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Oh No! My First Boo Boo : ( & Question About Smart One /healthy Choice Frozen Meals

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Well Ladies mother nature rolled around since surgery and i just had to have my M&M's I dont feel too bad though I look darn great for 1 month post op, PLUS I was cramping so bad I did not eat anything else besides a protein bar for breakfast and some water and a BC powder for pain (YUK) .... I must take a pic and add it....but anyhow just thought I would share ...


Oh ...is anyone else using weight watcher frozen dinners when you dont feel like cooking anything and you know those days of driving through a fast food place are over? I find myself just grabing a weight watcher frozen dinner or a healthy choice dinner I try to grab the ones UNDER 300 calories....mainly I do this for lunch because breakfast is usually 2 scambled eggs, or a protein bar and for lunch DRY lemon pepper tuna, and dinner a frozen dinner or a protein shake.



I am going to have my first fill Jan 5th so .....Just wondering if anybody else is using anything else with thier band to achieve maximum weight loss .....Example: Lap Band, Excercise, Weight watcher meals & snacks

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I don't use the meals such as wwatchers/lean c or smart ones, they are packed full of sodium and processed things....What i do is make food ahead of time and pre package it...Steamed veggies, tuna, broiled fish (yum), beans, salads, fruit cups in water or lite fruit juice....Exercise is always a plus even if it is just walking. This is without a doubt a life style change and work and not a easy way out, good luck to you in your journey. I started at 320 and am down to 267 (just today) had my surgery on 9/14/11 and am looking forward to a healthier NEW ME!!!!

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ok thanks for the heads up .....darn sodium...I forgot all about it after my liquid stage, at that time I was always looking at that and when I would see 780mg of sodium i was like WOW!!!

but after the liquid stage I just stopped looking becasue I was preparing my food, but got a little busy with a full time job two kids under the age of 2 and a hubby that is sick, so that makes 3 kids!!!

but I guess I will bake up a few chicken breasts, and a big bag of broccoli and that should hold me a week or 2, cause i only eat a little, but hubby eat a lot!

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I debated on whether I was going to use frozen dinners, lean cuisines, and lean pockets and such. I decided to have them. Why? Because I am a single girl who lives by herself who HATES to cook. I'm tracking calories, fat, carbs, and protein and I'm sorry, but I just don't care about sodium right now. I can't be expected to keep track of EVERYTHING. I also like it because everything is portioned out so I don't have to measure. I know that once it's gone, I'm done. I've been losing weight pretty good (15 pounds since surgery on November 21st) so they haven't really hurt me. I keep everything portioned controlled and within a good calorie limit. These packaged meals are all under 300 calories. I say it's a personal choice. Also, someone had brought it up at a nutritionist meeting, and they said it would be okay. Obviously it's not IDEAL, but it depends on the lifestyle of the person. Especially if it's for only one meal a day. Who cares?? Good luck!

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I'm counting my calories using myfitnesspal; but it does not seem to help as far as the scale. Reviwing posts of people that have lost a lot of weight in small periods of time; they all indicate they exercise and eat right. I wonder if they eat right "all" the time or just the majority of the time. I go in for my fill on January 4, 2012.

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