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Hello all,


Well it has officially been 6 months since my lapband surgery. I can say I do not regret my choice to have the procedure; I am glad to see the weight lost. I haven't had any problems which I think is great; no issues with food.


However, I must say I thought I would have lost more than 52lbs by now. I work very hard to watch what I eat and make sure I work out. But it seems that in the begining I would drop a or two a week. Now I haven't lost a pound and a month or two.


I am not complaining I really just venting. Like I said I am happy with the weight lost I have had.


So... Just wanted to share my LAP Band Journey.

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Congratulations on your 52 lb loss. I think that is really great. I just saw my surgeon today and probably won't have the procedure done until late January or Feb. Starting out at 225 and he set a goal of 170, which I think is really high for someone only 5'1". However, he said this is just my first goal that he sets at about 60% of where I really should be. So if I had lost 52 lbs. in 6 months I would be really happy because that would be really close to my goal that he said might take me 2 yrs to get to. I know the feeling though of wanting the pounds to drop faster. Maybe you could talk to your dr or dietician and see if there is something you could do to break this plateau. Good luck!

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Congratulations on your weight loss! I am glad you have had no regrets. I had my lap band surgery 12/14/11. I feel terrific and so far 10 lb loss.

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