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5th Fill Finally!



Ok today dec 12th i finally got my 5th fill. on oct 28th i got my second unfill and have had nooooo restriction since then. I gain 7 pounds in those 6 weeks, but i'm not complaining cuz it could have been much worse. My clothes are actually feeling looser. I dont get it and I dont care. as long as i'm not gaining! LOL! this band has been such an experience. I'm nowhere near where i thought i would be almost 7 months post, but i'm not where i was 7 months ago and for that i'm grateful. Now that my band is back where it needs to be, let's get this ball rolling.

Currenlty I go to the gym 4 days a week and my goal for next year is 5 days. I told my trainer that jogging on the treadmill isnt all that bad, and i'm no longer too embarrassed to do it. But now of course he's like it's not good for the knee joints. now me being a therapist i kinda already knew that, but i figured that moslty applied to running on concrete. oh well, he said not more than 2 times a week and i'm ok with that. well that's all for now.



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Girl im trying to get my "Jennifer Hudson" on !!!!! Love her!

But Weight watchers did not make her lose all that weight that fast !!!! Now, thats my girl but come on...I bet she got a band in there too!

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i hear different things about her and the band. if she had or has one she looks great!

people tell me i look like her and i just say i'm the j hud before weight watchers, working on the after pic!LOL

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