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January 1st needs to come soon...

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This past weekend was not good regarding food choices.


'Nuff said.


The past few days I've toyed with questions such as, "Do I really wanna do this?" "Have I researched this enough?" "Will I have complications"


Stuff like that. Just any old excuse, I suppose, NOT to be banded.


Then I think about what transpired this past weekend. If I were banded, I wouldn't be sitting here feeling guilty right now, because I wouldn't have been able to stuff my pie hole the way I did.


I gotta get a grip.


I'll be covered insurance-wise for this procedure on January 1st. It can't come soon enough.

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This past weekend was not good regarding food choices.

'Nuff said.

The past few days I've toyed with questions such as, "Do I really wanna do this?" "Have I researched this enough?" "Will I have complications"

Stuff like that. Just any old excuse, I suppose, NOT to be banded.

Then I think about what transpired this past weekend. If I were banded, I wouldn't be sitting here feeling guilty right now, because I wouldn't have been able to stuff my pie hole the way I did.

I gotta get a grip.

I'll be covered insurance-wise for this procedure on January 1st. It can't come soon enough.

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