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Day 1 Of Pre-op Liquid Diet



Today I was contacted by my surgeon's office and was told to start the pre-op liquid diet today. Thank goodness all I had had so far was a cup of coffee. I am to have 2 meals that are liquid and 1 regular meal. The regular meal is to be whole foods and nothing processed. On December 7th, I switch to all meals being full liquid. My surgery date is set for December 22nd.


So, the first day of pre-op liquid diet: I got the call as I was drinking my one and only cup of coffee for the day. I had a Whey Protein Vanilla shake for breakfast and lunch. I had an Odwalla C Monster juice for a snack. Dinner was a sandwich and some sugar free pudding. I have a slight headache that I attribute to my body revolting against me because I am depriving it of fat and sugar. Too bad. I am going to look into other things that I can drink and eat. I love V8 juice (Spicy Hot kind) and Naked Protein smoothies. I welcome any and all suggestions. I am pretty thrilled I can eat Sugar Free Jello, Sugar Free Pudding and Applesauce. I am a big soup eater too, so that will be good. I was also told that I can eat fruit and veggies. I am going to enjoy those things until I have to go totally liquid. Wish me luck and I will keep you posted on my progress.


Take care,



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Jamesmom, I am the in the same boat. My surgery is 12/15 and I am doing the all liquids. Every once in a while I get a bit of hunger. I eat what is on the list.

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Good luck hun, my surgery is 12/7 and I am still on my pre-op diet. I was told I cannot have fruits because they contain sugars, I can have certain vegetables except my favorite CORN! Lol but I can have lean steak, chicken, pork, and turkey. I have some great recipes that has gotten me through this diet i.e chicken meatballs will spinach florentine marinara and fat free cheese melted on top and a side of broccolli. Although its hard you can do it!

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