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Checking Myself And Recommitting To My Goals



After a four month absence I’m back to blog about my progress – which (sad to say) has not been that great since my surgery.

I lost 27.4 lbs on my 12 week insurance mandated, doctor supervised pre-op weight loss program (from 308.4 lbs. to 281 lbs.) I was banded on September 7th and lost an additional 12.3 lbs. in the first 10 days immediately following my surgery – bringing my weight down to 268.7 lbs. From that date to now, approximately 11 weeks – I have regained 4.1 lbs. then lost 6.8 lbs. - bringing my current weight to 266 lbs. While this is a total weight loss of 42.4 lbs. over the course of my almost 6 months weight loss experience pre and post-op (not too shabby), I am concerned that I've lost so little weight post-op since I started eating normal foods.

I’ve had 2 fills to date - initially 5cc and then an additional 1.25cc. However, I feel very little restriction and can pretty much eat anything I want, not as much as before I was banded but certainly more than the ¾ –1cup of food that I should be having at a meal.

Of course, therein lies the problem. So what am I to do about this lack of progress?

1. I commit to take full responsibility for the foods I choose to eat and the activities I choose to do.

2. I commit to maintaining this blog as an accountability tool which will help to keep me focused on my short, medium and long term health, fitness and weight loss goals.

3. I commit to preparing healthy meals in advance so that I would not be tempted by the convenience of “fast food”.

4. I commit to drinking 80oz of water per day.

5. I commit to exercising for a minimum of 30 minutes at least 5 days per week.

6. I commit to posting my weight (the good, the bad and the ugly) every Friday morning.

7. I commit to attending my surgeon's support meetings.

7. I commit to loving myself at every phase of this journey to optimal health and fitness because - dammit - I’m worth it!



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WOW ! thats awesome that your taking responsibility for your actions and now all the weight will come off just wait and see. Thank you for your post.

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To me my weight issue is comparable to being an alcoholic except it's food. We have to find a way to have some control over what and when we stick something in the hole in our face. I lack control over how much of something I eat. I'm hoping that the band will force me to have more self control thus allowing me to bring down my weight.

I wish you the best and yes you can achieve your goal! Be tuffanf remeber why you choose this option. i to need support as I have just begun this journey and I as new to this as a newborn baby.

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Great Post Slimambitions!. I am there with you all the way. I was banded 8/19/2011 with a starting weight before my pre-op of 297...I went to the dr on Monday and was 245. The dr was very happy, and said I had surpassed my 6 month goal (I did not know I had one).

I truly believe each and everyone of us have had issues similar to yours and we must continually re-dedicate ourselves to the task at hand.

I agree with BRD, our eating issues are similar to an alcoholic,but with food. I have never had any self-control, but the band is my greatest support, because it reminds me every day of what I need to be doing,

SLIM, BRD, CRYSAL AND JULIANA, WE CAN AND WILL DO THIS. we will support each other every step of the way. I am proud of all of us!!!!


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