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advice wanted and needed....

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Lots going on in my life.....good things for the most part... I'll get to the part where I need advice in a minute..I want to share the good stuff first.


I GOT A PROMOTION... I will be managing an apartment community in Asheville, NC so we will be moving the 1st week in December. Bye Bye Florida....HELLO MOUNTAINS!! It helps that the promotion comes with a nice fat pay raise too! This is truly a blessing from God and I am so grateful to have a 2nd chance up there. YAY!!


I've been at the gym this week.....went 6 days straight and it feels so good. According to this scale I'm able to use I'm not loosing any "weight" but my clothes are getting bigger on me. :) Such a good feeling. I go Wednesday for my first fill and I am really looking forward to it.



So here's the part where I need advice..... I came home tonight and started getting ready for bed and found a lump on my breast. *sighs* I don't even have a regular doctor to call. I will call....SOMEBODY Monday but in the mean time I'm left telling myself not to panic....but it is easier said than done. I don't know what to do.....it could just be a boil or a cyst...do I wait and see if it gets bigger or do I go anyway"?


Is it rude of me to ask those of you who pray to say a little prayer for me?

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See a dr as soon as possible. Most likely it is nothing but in the meantime you will worry, so do everything that you can to put your mind at ease as quickly as you can.

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First and foremost, see a doctor! It may be nothing but better to check it out, early detection is so important and all lumps should be checked and no you do not wait and see. Second, congratulations on the move and promotion. Asheville is a beautiful place, a big difference in temp from Flordia. Let me know how the appointment turns out, you have my e-mail through facebook and also my work e-mail. I will send prayers your way today. Hugs!

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Thank you both. Diane, I am calling my Ob Gyn in the morning to set an appointment. I think it's nothing but agree with you both and just want to make sure. Was hoping it would be gone this morning but it's not. <shrugs>

I am so excited to be moving up there! 4 weeks and counting!!! We will have to get together Diane! I am really looking forward to that one of these days! :o)

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See your dr asap. It is always better to error on the side of caution.

congrats on our promo. and rest assured, I will keep you in my prayers.

Best of luck.

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i just read this post. sorry i was away for the weekend. definitely go to the gyno, they can tell sometimes just by the feel if it something to worry about. last year i had the same thing and the doctor said that my bras are not supportive enough and it was a ligament just getting stretched. of course i won't say don't worry because we always worry about these things. i will certainly pray for you and i hope you get good news soon.

by the way, congrats on the promotion and good luck on the move. that is so exciting.

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Thank you!! I have my appointment scheduled for Wednesday at 4pm. I'm sure it's nothing.

I am SUPER EXCITED about my promotion and move to North Carolina! YAY!

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