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Need Help Getting Back On Track

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I'm really having a hard time getting back on track. Can't seem to get motivated, I wish there were a support group in my neighborhood. Little Company of Mary support group only meet once a month. If anyone had their surgery done at LCM in Chicago and know of a LB support group please let me know. Thank God I have some restriction, although I could use a fill. Maybe if I get a fill that might give me the boost I need to get back on track.

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Lack of a support group does make it hard, especially when you are trying so hard to stay focused and on track. I think it would be nice if LB had the same sort of system as AA or NA. In the beginning I think I could have attended a group several tmes a week, just to know that what I was feeling and doing was right. I knew some people at work who had the surgery and I suppose I drove them nuts, asking question after question. I had gas, I was bloated, I wasn't losing, my hair was falling out, I hated the protein drinks, my port hurt, my doctor advanced my diet faster than most and I worried about that. I think I goggled everythink under the sun on the internet. I read the blogs for hours at a time looking for someone or something that was experiencing what I was. I picked and read a lot of the postiive stories and stayed away from the blogs and comments that were struggling. I read the stories about people who had been successful, 6 months, 1 year 2years plus and I e-mailed them and said how did you do it. How did you stay focused. You will be surprised how many people are willing to communicate and help you. It may not be the same as a group but this way it allows you to have the postiive when you need and learn from the negative. Good Luck fabulous@fifty and with determination and postiive thinking you can do this, yes it is hard but you like me are old enough to know that anything worth having is worth working for.

Here are a few things that helped me in the beginning, they may sound silly but I needed positive reinforcement along the journey. Take a fat picture and post it on your frige, I also tapped one inside my frig. Put one on your bathroom mirror and write beside it a positive affrimation. Pick a pair of pants or a skirt that is a goal, I tried them on weekly until one day when I pulled them on they fit. :) As your cloths get baggy, GET RID of THEM! When you are losing weight, you need to get in the smaller sizes to make your self feel better about your self and your journey. (I find it amazing that when losing weight tight jeans make you feel good, because when your gaining weight they make you feel sad). If you have not done it already, do not allow others to bring food into your house that may be your trigger. I know everyone says, but I have kids my husband loves that, well for a short period of time until I can get myself in check they can learn to eat healthy with me. It was months before I would allow potato chips or snack foods in the house. If anyone wanted them they could go out an buy them. I was not going to allow anything or any food to get in my way. I know me all to well and it would have been so easy just to have a little bite that turned into the whole pie. I once even told my husband that I would not sit in the room with him if he was going to snack every few minutes. We were watching TV and everytime I turned around he was eating something, I thought to my self how rude. I also stayed away from the cafeteria and work and resturants in the beginning, I became easily over whelmed with large quanities of food and big plates. If I saw a spread of food it actually made me feel physically ill. I eat off of a salad plate and even at 1 year out I still weigh and measure my food. I take my breakfast and lunch to work everyday and it I know I have to eat out I eat off the appetizer menu. I stay way from salad bars and I don't do fast food resturants except Chick Fil A, (I eat a kids meal with 4 nuggets and fruit cup. I call this cheating) If my husband or friends go out to dinner, I share a meal with someone or do the appetizer thing. Honestly the hardest thing for all of us is learning to break old habits and learning to live a healthy life. Yes you can still lose weight by eating unhealthy but by changing your whole outlook on food and food choices makes you successful for life. Good luck , Iknow you can do this.

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excellent advice from lovethenewme!

also, if you get a chance come visit me at michaelwasfat.blogspot.com and read my archives to follow my journey. if you would like to friend me on fb look me up: Michael Pickert

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