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Patches are a Miracle

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I got the nicotine patch and started wearing it today. NO CRAVINGS!!!!:clap2: Today has been very easy with no desire to smoke. I just hope that it will continue throughout the next few weeks. My DH sat down with me to eat, and he cut his food up into teeny tiny pieces, and ate very slowly and took his time. He did this with me so he could learn what my eating habits are going to be like. He has read everything I've brought to him, and has asked a lot of questions. He's being very supportive.


I see the nutritionist and get the results of my psych eval next Tuesday. I will work on my letter to BCBS this weekend. Hopefully next week, I too will have my paperwork submitted to the insurance compamy.

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I got the nicotine patch and started wearing it today. NO CRAVINGS!!!!:clap2: Today has been very easy with no desire to smoke. I just hope that it will continue throughout the next few weeks. My DH sat down with me to eat, and he cut his food up into teeny tiny pieces, and ate very slowly and took his time. He did this with me so he could learn what my eating habits are going to be like. He has read everything I've brought to him, and has asked a lot of questions. He's being very supportive.

I see the nutritionist and get the results of my psych eval next Tuesday. I will work on my letter to BCBS this weekend. Hopefully next week, I too will have my paperwork submitted to the insurance compamy.

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Keep it up! I quite smoking too. I know it is EXTREMELY hard but it can be done. I'm pulling for you.

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PatchAid Vitamin Patches
