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Not for chumps...TOUGH but worth it!

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Day 9 and counting.....During this preop diet I have realized how much I have relied on food. All week long my boyfriend and I have been going out and he gets to eat anything he wants oh and me I get to look at him enjoy the food. I am learning how to regulate my emotions because I can't eat what he eats. For instance his birthday was on thursday and he wants to go out to eat at lunch and dinner. My mouth starts watering when I look at him eat..ugh. Then today we just came from a wedding rehearsal and they had one of my favorite foods (chinese food). I was asked atleast 4 times would I like something to eat. Don't get me wrong it was very tempting but I did not give in. I know I have to learn now how not to rely on food but understand it will always be around as long as I live and its okay to WALK AWAY! I just wanted to express myself tonight. I hope everyone continuing to drop weight and becoming better people inside and out. Let me know how you are doing.



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I understand. Just know, the pre-op diet is only for documentation and insurance purposes. It doesnt really affect your sugery at all so dont stress about it too much.

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We are day 10 today! :o) I figured I started this diet so no matter what I will finish it! YOU ARE DOING GREAT! I AM SUPER PROUD OF YOU!

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Thanks all, I am very grateful for the encouragment and you guys are who I look up too because you are still standing. To Arnetta just wanted to encourage you today not to give up and I know you have not. I want to share this journey with you. Everything will work out. I am only 4 days away from the surgery so I am starting to get a little more excited. I will keep you posted.

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I am glad that you are staying encouraged and motivated. I start my pre-op diet tomorrow (low carbs) and then 2 days of liquids. I have not been scheduled for surgery, but I will find out tomorrow. I have raided the fridge and cabinets to determine what I can and cannot have. I am looking forward to the challenge because I know I will hate the liquid diet. Be bless and keep us posted.

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