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my dream was so close and now looks as though

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it may have been just that.....a dream.


I am 8 days with no food only liquid for what was supposed to be my pre op diet. I had my appointment scheduled for tomorrow morning for all my test at the hospital for surgery for next Friday.


Then I received a phone call from Robin this morning at the hospital. (well let me take a step back) I was told a few weeks ago that I needed to pay 20% of the cost per my insurance. I asked, "okay, so do I need the full amount by the time of surgery?" (which I figured to be about $2000.00) I was told your surgeon is covered 100% and the hospital will bill you. Well..I still figured I would need to have something so just in case I had about $600. THIS IS NOT THE CASE....which takes us back to the current problem.

Robin called to tell me this morning that I need to have $2189.63 BY TOMORROW. :eek: :angry_smile:


HOW CAN THIS BE? I can't even begin to tell you where my frame of mind is right now. I am on the biggest emotional roller coaster I have ever been on. One second I have fighting tears, the next I am fine, then I am so mad I want to punch someone, then it's full on tears...How could I be so close to my life long dream and have it in my hands and then snatched away so quickly. If they had told me this when I asked maybe I would have been able to do something....but telling me the day before leaves me with no options....leaves me with nothing and heartbroken.


My mind is spinning with trying to figure something out.........after not eating for 8 days I have the urge to go and splurge but I am fighting it


PLEASE GOD.....HELP me figure something out. :crying:

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Please don't give up. If this is what you are suppose to have then God will make a way. Maybe you can call someone like close friends or family. I don't know your financial situation but I know it is rough. Think about it if you splurge then you could ruin something and what if you get a call and they say it is all worked out. Splurging is not an option!!!! I know it is hard and we are here for you. I saying a prayer for you right now.:rolleyes:

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i am not sure what your financial condition is but if you could, charge it to a credit card. This is a very important journey in your life. i am sorry for your troubles. i hope that it will all work out for you. don't give up. i will pray that your outcome is successfull. good luck. :(

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Have you called the hospital and tried getting on a payment plan. Like give them $400 right now and the rest in payments. That how alot of people that I know did it. Be strong and God will guide you

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I agree with elgrande. Most hospitals will work out a payment plan especially if you pay something. Praying you will get a caring person at the hospital who will work with your finances.

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I am soo sorry to hear. Hopefully you can work out a plan with them today.

I just have to give the hospital 200.00 on my surgery date next Thursday.

Thoughts and prayers

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This hospital has just changed it's policy....and lucky me....it starts with me! I had $600 to give them and they no longer accept partial payments. Everything....FULL BALANCE must be paid 1 week prior to surgery. They so kindly extended that for me and will let me pay up to the 29th...the day before my surgery.

I'm so frustrated but keeping my head up. I don't have credit cards because they scare me.....carecredit wont approve me simply because (which I do understand) I have medical bills from when I lost insurance and within the same week I was admitted in the hospital in ICU with the H1N1 virus and almost died. That is all being worked out with another insurance company that was back dated....but in the mean time it still on my credit and you can't give reasons obviously......

anyway....I could have come up with it if they would have just told me when I asked....still working on it and not giving up just yet. I have about $1000 so I'm halfway there. haha

Day 9 and 15lbs down!

THANK YOU ALL FOR THE SUPPORT. I will keep you posted

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Praying for you to come up with everything you need. Will your doctor do your surgery at another hospital???

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Speechless! I am so sorry, I am going to pray that this works out for you. I understand how hard you have been working and honestly rules should not change in the middle of the game. Health care coverage has become such an issue in our nation and sadly enough it is only going to get worse. All of the insured are going to continue to have to pay more for the uninsured. I know this does not help your situation but hospitals honestly don't make money these days, we struggle to provide quality care to patients without compromise. I deal with this crap on a daily basis, and honestly 30 years ago I went into this profession to take care of people and make a difference. Insurance companys are a necessary evil. They dictate a lot of our care that is provided, non-medical people calling the shots over medical decisions. I will get off my soap box and again, I really hope this works out for you within the next week. Today with a family, coming up with extra dollars is hard. Keep your head up, you are doing so amazing and this will become a reality for you. You have the dedication and drive to make. Cyber hug :welldoneclap:


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Lovethenewme....you just made me cry. lol. It is very frustrating. I spoke with the hospital again yesterday and I said I want you to hear where I am coming from. Not that it will make a difference but at this point I feel like I deserve to be atleast heard. So I told her....from start to finish that I asked what I needed. I wouldn't have started it unless I had all my ducks lined up and had just what I needed. So after being told about putting a payment down and not hearing anything otherwise depsite the fact that I have asked several times.....to then find this out half way through my 2 weeks of hell....that I had to come up with 1500 more than what I have. UGH. She finally said to call her on Tuesday and let her know how much I have and she will go to her boss and ask...she said they don't want me to cancel the surgery based on the fact that I was not given the correct information. But again I am still not sure if I can get the surgery so it is becoming much harder to push through this diet....even though I have lost 16lbs. I just want a straight answer but I can't get one.

And then I heard from an old friend from high school who had the surgery 3 weeks ago AT THE SAME HOSPITAL with the SAME DOCTOR....they asked her for $500 down and are billing the rest.

*SIGHS* I am ready to give up.:(

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Remember nothing ventured nothing gained(except #'s) It nevers hurts to stand up and fight for your rights. You just have to get to the right person. You are worth the fight. Hosptials need to be consistant, if you know of this friend who had this procedure and they allowed the 500 down payment and a payment plan than TELL them that. Hosptials have to have consistant rules and fair billing. All persons on billing have to be treated the same. If you started this process before they changed their billing practice and you were given your info prior to that than you need to push and push hard to make them honor their VERBAL committment. Do not cancel the surgery and do not cheat, remember if you cheat no one loses but you. This will happen, power of positive thinking. Arnetta can do this, and all of the hard work and frustration will be worth it. hugs, Diane

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Try calling the hospital and talking with someone in the finacial dept (maybe a supervisor) and ask them if they can put you on a payment plan. It's not like they aren't getting ANY money for the surgery. I ran into the same issue before my sugery. They were more than happy to work with me. I feel that they understand that everyone just doesnt have 2 grand readily available. Good luck to you...don't give up!

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Hi Arnetta,

How are things coming since you last posted? I am hoping of the best and I know that you are frustrated. I hope that you have prayed. I know that God will make a way for you to have your surgery.

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