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Living in the moment

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Yesterday I watched Dr. Phil and there was a woman on who was 5'2 and weighed 520lbs. I am watching the show and I at first I felt sorry for her. I listen to her story and I just couldn't understand why she was laughing at some of the things she would say. I can remember when I moved to North Carolina. I moved or should I say I ran so I didn't have to deal with the issues. I moved to North Carolina where I had no friends or family. I would go to the buffets and I would order food and I would just eat, because I was so unhappy. I never once thought that I should really think about what issues I was running from. I remember sitting on my couach watching a dvd and having a large poppa Johns pizza and wings and not seeing anythng wrong with it. I was so consumed with issues from my past that I stop living in present time. I was not balanced when it came to a lot of things. I say to you live in the moment, you may not be happy about something today but things about how blessed you are. I have two wonderful boys that challenge me to be a better person. I am aunt to 4 great kids and a friend to my circle. I laugh when I think about how I was so miserable that I didn't even see what I had in font of me. I have a closer relationship with my mother. I think when I let go and let God alot of what I thought was wrong really wasn't as bad as I thought it was. The mind is a battle field and it will make you think things that are not really there, make you feel things that you never really knew you could feel. As we go on this journey, I challange you today to take 5 mintues out of your day and write 5 things you are greatful for. I write mine on a post it and I read it every morning while I am bushing my teeth. I also have a copy of it in my car on the visor. I read it all the time because no matter how bad of a day I am having I still have so much more to be thankful for. Think about the things that you have and not what you don't have. The challenge is simply to allow yourself to be in the moment. I was listening to to Kirk kirk franklin's " Smile." I think that even when you are hurting just smile.

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