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The much anticipated phone call came today.....

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finally all the testing and doctor's appts done.....I have been waiting on approval or denial from my insurance company.




I dare say all of you know what the feeling of anticipating that phone call is like and others who know what it is like to hear YES on the other end and not be expecting it. I don't mean to come off dramatic in saying this but I feel like those people (the insurance company) when they approved it....said yes! Yes Arnetta you can have a 2nd chance at life......you can have the chance to play with your kids on the floor without hurting, or take them to the park, and most importantly be here for them later in life.........I mean what an overwhelming feeling..... I was bracing myself for that NO and I got a YES. I am so excited and surprising....I am scared too.


I know some people think this is a mircle fix....and I know it's not...but I hoping it will be the tool I need to help me reach my goal. I have researched and looked into this since 2002 and I have been through the "fad diets" and worked out 4 days a week religiously for 3 years with little success. I worked my butt off with little results long term (no pun intended btw) I am so thankful to have the option of such a wonderful tool that will help me along the way.


I AM SO EXCITED...........



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I'm waiting for that phone call too- they said the end of the week- i have a surgery date once insurance it approved- so exciting for you!! :)


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TY Iyna.....I hope your approval comes soon! I get my date for surgery on the 12th @ 9:30 am! COUNT DOWN BEGINS!:rolleyes:

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Thank you so much! Glad to see you back on here! I couldn't wait to share the news. But I gotta say it still feels like this isn't real....ya know....I feel like I won the lottery but can't believe it! LOL

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