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Closing in on the date....

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Here it is, Friday the 26th of August and my surgery is scheduled for next Tuesday. I received the reminder call this morning. I am excited yet nervous (and I expect that I'll get even more nervous as the surgery grows nearer). This pre op diet is terrible. I believe I have everything that I will need after the surgery, ie, soup broths, gas x, liquid vitamins and liquid calcium supplements, a heating pad, a small pillow, protein shakes,loose fitting, comfortable clothing to come home in, my follow up appointment scheduled and Tylenol. I have even found a couple of cookbooks that I have ordered that is for people that have had AGB surgery. I just hope everything goes alright in surgery and I can start on my new journey to good health.

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I think everytone will agree...you have already started your journey to good health.

Congratulations. I am excited for you. I am sure everything will turn our just fine. Think positive thoughts and remember to follow your doctor's orders.

Everyone here will be rooting for you.

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Thanks, it is so helpful to read about others going through the same thing. I know I'm not the only one dealing with these feelings.

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Hello all,

Well, I made it through the surgery and am now 5 days post-op. I'm feeling pretty good today. I have dropped 13 lbs since the start of my pre-op diet until today. I figured I would try some cottage cheese the other day, what a disaster that turned out to be (note to self...stay away from cottage cheese). thank God, it was only half a teaspoon. When I mentioned this to the nurse that called to follow up with me after surgery she said, well, I'm glad you didn't say a donut. Seriously?? A DONUT?? I think that would have killed me! Anyway, I have adheared strictly to my liquid diet again and am doing fine. I do have some cravings but nothing that I can't control. I'm not hungry like I was before the surgery which is a little odd for me but welcome non the less. I had some issues getting the recommended amount of fluids in the beginning but don't seem to be having any issues today. The biggest issues I would have to say was belching (it would come half way up and get stuck...painful) and the pain where the port was placed. I can't say anything else is a problem.

Well, I guess that's it for now. I'll check back in a day or two. Hope all is well with everyone here.

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