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Too Tight = Not Good

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Okay- I am really thinking this fill is TOO much for me. After 1 friggen spoonful of egg beaters I was sliming like a rabid dog and threw up twice-nothing like standing over a toilet for over an hour.

I called my doc for an unfill tomorrow morning. I HATE doing that because I want to lose weight, but I am going on vacation Thursday and won't have my medical team on stand by-plus I don't want my entire vacation memories to be of me paying homage to the porcelain god!

I'll be in New Orleans on then a cruise-I do want to be able to eat and drink (yes drink). I don't want to gain weight, but of I do it's not the end of the world.

Maybe the swelling will go down tonight and I can skip the unfill-but that's not the way to bet :(

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I've been there. I have always encouraged people to NOT chance getting filled past 6 or 7 cc's. Most of us cant handle it. I thought by being filled tight I would drop the weight and then have it removed later. NOT the case. I did exactly what you are saying. That, by the way, will start to deminish over the next week.

Its been almost a year for me and I decided to go to a nutritionist. As it turns out.... I needed to eat waaaaay more.

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