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4 mo Post Op + 2nd Fill

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Ciara Patrice


Here I am 4 months post – op! I’ve got good new to celebrate and some not so good, but overall I’d say my journey is still moving along!!!



I haven’t gained any weight, but I can’t technically say I’m at a stall just yet either. I went to the Dr today, and received a 1cc Fill. The last couple of appointments, the Dr was really “proud” and said I was losing at a proper weight (6-8lbs per month)… well, I went in today and had only lost 4lbs. His first question was, “So, what happened this month? You’ve been losing at about 7lbs a month..” he asked if it was my portion control, or maybe I’m not eating the right things…


I told him I was doing a Zumba-like class and doing the stairs at my job on my breaks and that I did feel like I was getting hungry more often than before. He basically said he wanted to up my cardio more, and that he’d add just a little to my band.



Right now I’m on liquids which I’m not too happy about. My Drs appt was at 1:15p and I had a small breakfast. I wasn’t sure I’d even be getting a fill this time around, but I did, and once I left the office I couldn’t eat. I’ve been hungry ever since.. I’m looking forward to the chicken noodle soup broth I’ll be drinking later! I just wish I had a good lunch before going to the Dr… and I didn’t L



I’ve had one NSV that comes to mind… I had a pair of jeans with a pretty studded embellishment on the pant leg that I used to LOVE to wear!...Well, of course I gained weight and could barely wear these jeans. These jeans were so tight! I had to button them UNDER my stomach, and even then I could barely tolerate wearing them… my butt crack was peeking out of those babies! They had to be taken out of rotation and deemed my “muffin top” jeans instead of my “studded” jeans. L



Well, low and behold, I tried on those “muffin top” jeans and they are NO LONGER “muffin top” jeans! They’re my old “studded” jeans again! I can button them OVER my stomach, love handles, and ALL! I was just amazed how my ENTIRE behind is covered now! No peek-a-boo crack showing! I can not lie, I don’t care how gross this sounds, but I wore those jeans two days in a row I was SO ecstatic! And I told everyone who saw me, that “these were my muffin top jeans!”, but not any longer, I’m so proud of me!! LoL!



Now, that was ALL my good, now for the BAD …



I experienced my first PB while at work last week. This is going to be graphic… just a warning! … I was in the lunch room by myself and for lunch I brought Salisbury Steak a little bit of rice and green string beans. So I heat my food and sit down at the computer they have in the lunch room. Now while I’m checking my Facebook and email, things are going very smoothly. I’m eating slowly and chewing, mainly because I was more into Facebook than the food.



So I finish playing on the computer, and realize I’ve used most of my lunch break playing instead of eating… So I move away from the computer and go sit at the table and try to eat as quickly as possible while chewing at the same time… And as I look back on it now, I see my mistake and I’m sure you see it too! There’s no such thing as “eating quickly” with the band. You MUST take your time! So, I chewed some steak, swallowed and felt the pain of being stuck! Now, I’ve been stuck before, and waited a few seconds maybe minute and it passed, but this time the pain was soooo NOT the same! It was in my side, my throat, and I think I even felt the pain in my port! I could be exaggerating but you get my point!



I quickly wrapped up my food, because I just was NOT interested any longer… And as I’m walking I’m swallowing just spit, not a whole bunch , but in my mind I was hoping this would help the steak pass… I then remember I have papaya enzymes in my work bag… I go to my back as calmly as possible and I shake out four tablets.. LoL or at least try to! I think about ten or eight flew out the way I was shaking that bottle! I pop them back and walk to the bathroom…



I’m chewing and chewing the enzymes, praying this helps and the pain goes away, and then as soon as I shut the bathroom door behind me, I burp! Slime and enzyme particles in my hand…very gross! I pour the slime in the sink… I burp two more times (nothing productive though) and I was my hands and walk out of the bathroom as if nothing ever happened… I felt completely normal again.



Normally when people spit up I figure you have that sick “after shock” type feeling and that gross after taste in the back of your throat you keep swallowing to get rid of, but I had none of that. I really felt fine afterwards… I was even hungry about an hour or two later… I didn’t eat anything, but I felt like my band, Michaelangelo, he taught me a valuable lesson… “Slow the f!%$k down!”…



Well… my weight is slowly declining, and I’m in good spirits! Hopefully next month I’ll have more NSVs and see some weight drop on the scale!






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Your Dr. seemed kind of like a jerk at your appt. I think you're doing great. I've also heard that if you have a meat "stuckkage" to dilute a little bit of meat terderizer in some water and sip it. The enzymes will break down the meat and allow it to pass through.

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I think you are doing fabulous! Depending on the tone of your dr..he/she may or may not of been rude they were just trying to help you out..if you all the sudden just starting losing 1/2 as much as you were I am sure they were concerned...mine would be. My surgeon held my hand my whole way thru my journey. I use pineapple juice to "unstick" me..so I carry a can in my car or in my purse if I go out to eat...which isn't too often due to I cook all of my meals. It is just good to have on hand if it happens.

I think you have a dynamite attitude and love your story about your studded jeans! I want to hear more stories about that!! keep up the continued success and use your dr for guidance if your success isn't where you think it should be!! Take care!

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Sounds like you are doing very well. I love jeans that fit. Be happy and keep blogging. Best wishes and Bravo to you on your journey. imaluckydog

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i have to same problem with slowing down eating...congrats on the jeans!!!! my weight on the scale doesnt seem to be moving but i'm down to a 16 from 20's so i gotta be doing something right! LOL! Keep up the great work!:D

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Your doing great and thanks for the details on the stuck feeling. I can relate. Just had one on vacation because I was talking instead of thinking about chewing. Mine all came up and it does hurt so no more talking while eating.


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Maybe your doctor should have realized with all that exercise you were probably gaining muscle and that the weight loss was not showing so well because muscle weights more than fat I think he should have said well good for you on the exercise and we will just keep an eye on your weight loss as long as it keeps going down.I think your doing great and he needs to cut you some slack.

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Your Dr. seemed kind of like a jerk at your appt. I think you're doing great. I've also heard that if you have a meat "stuckkage" to dilute a little bit of meat terderizer in some water and sip it. The enzymes will break down the meat and allow it to pass through.

Yea, I think he seemd kinda rude that day too! LoL! Meat tenderizer? I wonder how that tastes? The Papaya enzymes are tastey...

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I think you are doing fabulous! Depending on the tone of your dr..he/she may or may not of been rude they were just trying to help you out..if you all the sudden just starting losing 1/2 as much as you were I am sure they were concerned...mine would be. My surgeon held my hand my whole way thru my journey. I use pineapple juice to "unstick" me..so I carry a can in my car or in my purse if I go out to eat...which isn't too often due to I cook all of my meals. It is just good to have on hand if it happens.

I think you have a dynamite attitude and love your story about your studded jeans! I want to hear more stories about that!! keep up the continued success and use your dr for guidance if your success isn't where you think it should be!! Take care!

Thanks! I'm sure he thought I was slacking or something, which I admit I might've been, lol... So Pineapple juice works for stuck episodes? I thought they say that when you're stuck you shouldn't drink anything because it could make it worse... especially depending on how tight your band is...

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Sounds like you are doing very well. I love jeans that fit. Be happy and keep blogging. Best wishes and Bravo to you on your journey. imaluckydog


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<BR>i have to same problem with slowing down eating...congrats on the jeans!!!! my weight on the scale doesnt seem to be moving but i'm down to a 16 from 20's so i gotta be doing something right! LOL! Keep up the great work!<IMG class=bbc_emoticon alt=:D src="http://cdn.lapbandtalk.com/public/style_emoticons/%3C#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif"><BR>
<BR><BR><BR>Awesome! I can't wait until I'm out of the 20s completely! I've been wearing size 20/22 since 8th grade!!! (which is so embarrassing to think I was 13/14 years old and Im the same size at 25 y/o)

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Maybe your doctor should have realized with all that exercise you were probably gaining muscle and that the weight loss was not showing so well because muscle weights more than fat I think he should have said well good for you on the exercise and we will just keep an eye on your weight loss as long as it keeps going down.I think your doing great and he needs to cut you some slack.
<BR><BR>You know I was thinking the same thing!! Because I feel like I was losing inches instead of pounds... and I heard that your muscles do swell or have fluid in them after strenuous work outs... not sure I could be reiterating this ALL wrong, but I think thats what it was... my thighs were killing me! and those are some big muscles regardless of size... right?

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