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29 Weeks Post-Op: Progress Pics and My Thoughts About the Band

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Last weeks weigh in - 183lbs. This weeks weigh in - 180.2. Lbs lost = 2.8. A good week! So as a courtesy to myself, I try to look back at progress once in a blue moon. Progress = motivation for me and this is why:










The difference: 44lbs

Average: 1.5lbs per week.






know that doesn't seem like allot. But this is for those of who who are frustrated... 1.5lbs a week ADDS UP! KEEP GOING! Posting the first picture is horrifying. SCARY! Imagine, I had already lost 40lbs when this was taken. You will not find an unclothed pic of me at 262lbs. I wouldn't allow any to ever be taken!


I am losing slowly, I am doing nothing that I cannot continue to do forever. I take my time. I change things to suit me and my new lifestyle. I do not fool myself in to thinking that I will not make poor choices ever again. I do not fool myself in to believing that I will workout 6 days a week when I just happen to one time and then lose 3lbs that week. I do not fool myself in to thinking that I will be done with the hard work when I hit my non-existent target weight. I still make excuses, I still justify, I still beat myself up when I am having a tough time staying on track and that results in a vicious cycle of poo poo on me BUT I am happy! I try to be gentle with myself. I feel great and the NSV's and progress (when noticed) is fabulous fuel!


I read a blog suggested by Lap Band Gal (you can read it here.) and do have to agree that approving people who are roughly 10lbs over the national average is insane! I know the national average is high though. The author refers to the band as stomach binding. I wish! lol. A comment left by a reader "I also find it interesting that the author of this article appears to be considerably overweight. How's that diet and exercise thing going for her?" - bahahahah! I have a feeling that this article will have an interestingly hot debate to follow. Looking forward to the massacre of part II.


My choice to have WLS was a tough one. I was only offered WLS after I had lost 40lbs during a 15 month program called WeightWise. Through the program, one attends sessions on general nutrition, emotional eating, identifying triggers, meeting with nurses, psychiatrists, dietitians and being strictly monitored when it comes to attendance, weight loss and food journals. I have to say that with a non-restrictive band thus far and coming up on 7 months post-surgery, the addressed emotional and psychiatric components are what is going to take me to the ideal healthy lifestyle!


Having the surgery, sorry for those who tune in often, changed my BRAIN 100%. The commitment, the seriousness of the surgery, the fear and anxiety about the decision and the procedure itself changed me. The band hasn't done anything physically yet, but it does remind me by just being there. There is no way that I went through all of it to fail! Restriction or no restriction, I am in control!


I also have to mention that if I had to pay for surgery myself, I probably wouldn't. Not because I am opposed to surgery, (DUH) but because I am young (still milking this for almost one more year). I work in the non-profit world and the mister and I have other priorities financially that just can not be delayed. It is a constant battle to keep up the house, the cars and just life in general. I am not sure that I would or even could spend the money on WLS. Fortunately, I didn't have to and was blessed to find myself in the care of a great team with an awesome gift! "OH CANADA" - free surgery and support for those who are committed and will work at it! Imagine!


Anyhoot, off to the 1st shift at the 2nd job today. We have a Mexico trip and Newfoundland trip to pay for. Totalling about 1 month of vacation and $5000.00. Not even half of what a band would cost! It would be hard for me to choose surgery over two trips to sunny Puerto Vallarta and grey but gorgeous Newfoundland!





Cheers all!















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Great Job! I agree wholeheartedly about doing things that you can realistically do forever. Keep up the good work!

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