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set back!!!!ugh!!! i wanna scream!



Ok so I started back with my trainer last thursday and we did legs. i had the regular muscle soreness for the first 2 days, but then my left hip was hurting far more than i thought it should. Long story short I have a hip sprain! i'm soooooo upset. i was doing so good with working out consistently, now this! Also after my cycle left i have gained 5 pounds!!!! wth!!!! i called my doctor's office for another fill. right now the only thing that stops me from eating is myself. i know the band is not a cure all, but i only feel like i have one when i dont chew something well enough or drink a too large sip of water. I am trying not to get frustrated right now. I am almost 2 months out and i cant even get to a 20 pound weight loss!!!! i'm happy for others that are consistently losing, but i want to be one of them! ugh! i just needed to vent. thanks guys!


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I hear your frustration! I did something to my sciatic nerve working out last week and have to rest. The set back is so frustrating, but then I think back a year when taking a few days off (more like months) was the norm for me. Now I can't wait to get back. More restriction might help you, but know that all of us lose at different rates, so please don't compare! It will happen for you!!!

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I am close to my one year of being banded, and yes I have very good restriction. Sometimes, I think a little more restriction than what I want to have. However, I remember someone on this site telling me earlier on in this process that time was the only thing that would get me to the place I wanted to be at. Two months is very earlier in this LB process. It's going to take time to feel the restriction you desire and truly want to have. Learn to be patient with yourself and your band. The weight did not come over night and it's not going to come off over night. When you lose the weight a little slower, your body is allowed to rebound properly. Therefore, you will not be left with a lot of unwanted skin and your body will look and feel tone and tight. <IMG class=bbc_emoticon alt=:rolleyes: src="http://cdn.lapbandtalk.com/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif"> <BR><BR>Give yourself time to get to the place you desire to get to. I do pray you have a speedy recovery so you can get back to working out. I also injured my left knee a couple of weeks ago, but after a couple of days I started my workout back but at a slower pace. If you are only able to do chair exercise , do that because its better than doing nothing at all.

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If there is anyone that you should be angry at, it is the trainer that you worked with. I would be looking for a different trainer...interview them, make sure that they have your goals in mind, not what they think you should be. You are paying them good money to keep you from injuring yourself. I broke a rib once working with a trainer, they were suppose to be spotting me and they were not paying attention to what i was doing. It was the last time I worked with that trainer.

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Like Shonette said, you are in the early stages. When i was at that stage, I thought I should be further along. But I realized that I needed that time to learn new habits and get adjusted to having the band. Some people lose at a fast pace, some don't. I think I'm one that doesnt. I was banded 12/9/10 and I have lost 54lbs. My expectation was at least 10lbs per month. BUT, I have adopted healthier eating habits, eat much less, enjoy working out and can fit a size 14 pants and large shirt. All the things I just mentioned are lifestyle changes, not quick fixes. We are in this for the long haul so as hard as it may be, try to stop focusing so much on the scale. I did it too and it drove me nuts!! hang in there and GOOD LUCK!!

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thanks everyone for your reply's. i went in for my 3rd fill today. it was scheduled for next week but they called and cancelled since the doc wasnt gonna be in the office on that day. i have a gazillion things going on right now, so i had to go today. I was not shocked when i went for my weigh in and i had gained 3 pounds (2 of the 5 i had gained was from my cycle). I didnt feel like they were judging me. no one yelled at me or questioned why i had gained weight. the person who weighed me just politely told me you gained 2 pounds, but we're gonna fix that. i was so glad i didnt ge the stank eye! LOL my doc just asked me how things were goin. went thru the usual process and i was done. he told me to be careful cuz i was really tight. i dont mind that at all. so i'm just praying i get this ball back rolling again. everyone wants to know how much he put in, but honestly that doesnt really matter to me right now. i think that's just something else to stress about cuz if he said something like 10 cc's and i hade a 11 cc band(dont know if those are actual numbers) then i would be freaking out. so i'll just take what i have for now and move forward.:D

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