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Day 4 after surgery....



As I had mentioned before, I have bipolar disorder and I'm starting to feel it right now....

I feel depressed and confused asking myself why I did this.... Maybe I could have lost the weight some way....

I know my dr said not to weight myself but I did and I know i've lost 16 lbs in only 10 days which is great, but I'm just not excited right now.

I'm still having horrible gas pains that wake me up in the middle of the night. I am not asleep more than 10 minutes sometimes that it wakes me up. The most i'll stay asleep is maybe 90 minutes max... that is really making me tired and because I'm not eating much I don't have much energy.

I do walk around my house a lot to try to metabolize the gas like the DR said, but it doesn't take it away. I get hiccups which hurt too. I still have diarreha and the imodium is somewhat helping.

We'll see how the rest of the day goes. I go back to work full time tomorrow and I hope I can manage....


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Cathy, Everything you are feeling is normal, or at least it was normal for me. The first few days and weeks after surgery I think it finally sinks in for all of us the reality of the situation. We made a choice, a choice to surgically alter our eating habits because we could not control them. I still go through periods when i sorta feel sorry for my self because I can't just go and grab what ever I want to eat. Then I look in the mirror and at some old pics and believe me I do not want that person back. I love how I look now, even with my shrinkles :rolleyes: . You will understand that comment as you loss weight. The majority of us had been on the diet rollacoaster for years and had small successes but a lot more failures. I used to believe having weight loss surgery was the easy way out but now I believe it is much harder than any diet I have ever attempted. This is a life style change and all change is hard and it takes time. I am 7 months post op and I want you to know it will get better, give up the scales, they can be your worst enemy. With weight loss surgery sometimes we lose inches that do not show up on scales. Your energy will come back, it is gradual but it does return and as you loss weight it gets better. The gas for me was awful, I lived on Gas-X for months and sometimes still have to use it becasue something I eat makes me feel miserable. when you return to work, it will be hard for a few days maybe even a week, people if they know want to know how much you have lost, curious about what you can eat. For me I was upfront and honest with everyone about my surgery, I figured it would make me stay honest to myself, if everyone was watching. Keep reading on this web site, I have found that reading about others issues helped me to understand that what I was feeling was normal. Cathy you can do this and you will be successful, take everyday as the first and never look back if you slip. Remember in 6 months, 12 months, or 2 years, you will be healthier and feel great! Good luck with your journey, I know we all think we went to bed one night and work up obese but truely it took us years to get this way and it will take us a few months to find that tiny person hidding in all of us. :party: Remember celebrate all successes no matter how big or small! Good Luck.

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