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Day of Surgery



I'm sure a lot of this is not new to people who've read a lot of this board, and who are already banded, but I know that it's been reallyhelpful to me to read other's experiences in getting the. I hope my experiencecan be helpful to at least one person who's still curious and anxious what thisexperience is like. I was banded and had a hiatal hernia repair on June 6, 2011and here's how my surgery went:


Three hours before my surgery time, I took my anti-nauseaand anti-fungal medications. I arrived at the hospital two hours early. Checkedin and was brought back to prep. I changed into my hospital wardrobe and sataround for about forty-five minutes before I got my IV of fluids. Every fewminutes, someone came by to ask if the doctor had shown up yet. Was gettingpretty funny, I think they were getting a bit nervous. The anesthesiologiststopped by and went over my stats, asked a few questions, and explained to methat I would have a tube down my throat etc. My dietician showed up and wentover everything with both me and my wife. Up until about this point, my wifewasn't really involved directly in my lap-band adventure. I told her about allmy appointments, gave her the brochures, and explained everything to her, but Inever took her to meetings etc. I just prefer to do that on my own.


I got up to urinate twice before the doctor showed up. Aboutfifteen minutes after the surgery was to start (and boy I wish they would havegiven me something for anxiety at that point), my doctor finally showed up. Mydoctor actually asked me what band I was getting! I thought that was veryinteresting. Actually, I was asked twice about which band I was getting, fromhim and from a nurse recording all my information.


I was wheeled into the operating room, asked to movemyself over to the operating table, then was told that I would be givenmedication to relax. The next thing I remember was being awakened from a dreamwith the nurse calling my name.


My belly was tender, my throat was killing me. I use aCPAP, and was asked to put that on. I did, but it was removed early since I wasso alert and didn't really feel like sleeping/napping. I just wanted to get outof there and relax at home. I waited there for about forty-five minutes. Whilethere, I could slowly start to become aware of the incisions in my belly. I hadfive. I tried to remember if that was normal, higher than normal, or lower thannormal – from what I've read in this forum. I know my wife was waiting for mewhen I got out, and I was quite anxious to see her. While waiting in recovery,I did not see my doctor at all. I was kind of hoping to hear from him thateverything went well, and that my liver looked good (I was worried about thatsince I was told I had a fatty liver. I did the pre-op liquid diet, lost 30pounds, but nevertheless, I was a little nervous since I snuck in a few piecesof cheese into the liquid diet.) I inhaled into Airlife measuring thingy, tomake sure that I was taking deep breaths, and had no problems with that. Thebiggest thing on my mind now, other than getting the heck out of the hospital,was making sure I urinated before I left (I have a death's fear of catheters)and that I could swallow liquids.


I was finally taken into a semi-private room, where mywife was brought to meet me. My pain wasn't too bad. I was offered some meds,and I pre-emptively took them. I also was given a few little 'shots' of water.I had no problems swallowing those. I thought that I would be able to feel thenew 'pouch' given to me in the band. Nada. I kept slowly drinking the water. Itactually wasn't very easy to swallow the whole ounce of water, but I wasn'treally concerned, because I read that I might have difficulty in that early on.I was just glad to get it down, and to keep it down. Then the milkshake testcame. I nursed that ounce without any problems. Now all I had to do was walkdown the hallway, and urinate. I accomplished that, and was promptlydischarged. My dietician stopped by again giving me full dischargeinstructions, and explained to my wife what I was able to do, should do, andwhat I shouldn't do.


I was able to get up and walk around on my own. No issueswhatsoever. I felt awful that my wife was carrying my bag, and her stuff, whileI walked empty handed, but she assured me that I need to just take it easy, andlift nothing.


The ride home was okay. I felt a couple of the pot holes,and had some burping which was slightly painful. Got home, and immediately tooka Percocet. For the rest of the day I wasn't really in pain, just discomfort.What really hurt the most was my throat. I also discovered that my nostrilswere lined with dried blood, and that I would cough up a little blood, but Iattribute that to the tube in my throat. Oh yes, coughing, hiccupping and gaspains were the most painful. I was aware of the incisions, and upon examination,they seemed to look good, were tender, and covered with the superglue.


On my first day, I managed to get down 2/3 of a normal proteinshake I would drink for dinner. I also managed about 16 oz of water. I tried toget more down, but that's all I could really do. I filled up really fast withwater and shake. I used minimal amounts of Percocet, but used a lot of sorethroat spray.



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