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Day of surgery May 27, 2011

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Ok the day of surgery. Well the nite before I did not sleep at all, I was too excited to even think of sleep. My husband, Mother-in-law and I get up around 5 to get out of the house and head to the hospital. We arrive there about 5:40 in the morning. I get called to fill out some paperwork. Sit in the waiting room for like ever. Finally they call me and move me upstairs in the waiting room with my bed and such. They take some blood and the nurse tells me I have to pee in a cup so she can see if I am pregnant or not. Yeah this didn't go so well. I told her good luck, I haven't had anything to drink since midnight and you really think I can go for you. I told her she better just forget it and I know that I am not pregnant. After that she takes my blood pressure and the machince is going crazy it pumps up and then down and keep doing this, it is not reading my blood pressure. One more time it pumps up and keeps going until the damn thing just pops off my arm. Ok there goes my excitiment, and I was thinking this is not going to be good. She decided to take it on my other arm, takes it no problems. She then hookes up the IV and they take me up stairs to like a big waiting room for everyone that is having surgery.


Upstairs I meet the with my nurse and the Anesthesiologist and Dr. Brown. It is getting close to 8 in the morning and we head to the surgery room. The move me onto the table and they stick the mask on me and it is lights out. I don't remember anything after that till a nurse was waking me up in recovery about an hour later. When I woke up the pain hitted me hard. I started to cry and think what the hell did I just do. They asked how my pain way and every time I said it was 9. Give me the drugs!!! My mouth was so dry and i asked for ice chips and was so relieve when she said I could have them. The nurse I had in recovery was such a sweetheart and she took good care of me. Till about 10am I stayed in there and they took me down to the room I started in. I got a new nurse his name was Jack, one of the best nurses I think I have ever had. In there I finally got to meet back with my husband and MIL. By this time I was feeling good. I asked to get up and go to the bathroom, he was in total shock. But was like yeah let's get you up. I got up ok and went came back and was like can I get dressed now or do I have to wait. He let me get dressed. i felt fine and I just wanted to go home. After I got dressed my MIL went to fill my meds. As we waited Jack got everything ready so I could go home. When the MIL got back we were heading for the car. I left the hospital around noon. And home when went.


At home I do not remember the first day at home, to doped up on drugs I slept most of the day. The second day it was better and I decided I want to get walking so we went to the mall and walked around. Today is the 4th day post- op and I feel 100% better then I did the first day out of surgery. Things are going great. Call the doctor's office today to schedule my next appointment which will be at 4 weeks and I will be getting my first fill. Can't wait!!!

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