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One week down, one to go!!

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Okay so I just finished my 1st week of Pre-op liquids. The first few days were really rough. I had migraines almost everyday and I felt like my stomach was going to eat itself. I don't know about your pre-op diets but I have to be on a protein shake and clear liquid diet for 2 weeks pre-op. That means 4 protein shakes a day and water, unsweet tea, sugar free jello and sugar free popsickles. I had an emotional melt down on day 3. I felt so bad. I was sitting at home and my boyfriend came home with Panda Express. I immediately went to the bedroom and started loosing it. He came in and appoligized and I felt aweful. I mean it's not like he shouldn't be able to eat you know. The last 2 days have been pretty good. No headaches or aching hunger. I'm only 4 days away from surgery today and I am sooooo EXCITED!!!

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your pre-op sounds just like mine! be strong hun...it is soooo worth it in the end! just keep focused on the end goal.

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Wow lean cuisines? That's nice. I wonder why some Dr.s allow their patients to eat food and others do not?

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