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Got a date!!!



Well hello my new friends:

Thanks for tuning in to my latest little update. I found out today that the insurance company wants 5 years worth of doctor notes to approve a person for surgery. I relocated here 3 1/2 years ago. So they need notes from my doctor's office in NJ. So I had to have the office email me authorization forms which I signed and faxed back to her and hopefully she then faxed them off to my 2 other doctors. So we have a date now. Not what I had hoped for, but she said the insurance has 30 days to make a decision. So my date has been scheduled for JULY 12, 2011. I am very excited about at least having a date. It is like really seeing light at the end of the tunnel.

I am to begin my liquid -- shrink the liver regime on June 21. At that time, I can have two shakes a day along with protein items. The list is very specific, dry oatmeal, tuna, chicken, some fruit, salad, cabbage, low fat yogurt, etc. What I need to know from you guys is which protein shake really tastes the best. I am a chocolate person not vanilla, something in that line would work for me. Unjury is on the list along with quite a few others. Most were there except Muscle milk which she said I can't have until after I am banded.

Oh, I also have to take another 90 minute nutrition class on June 6. I guess she will go into more specifics at that time. So things are moving along, of course just not as fast as I would like. I can't wait until I am saying "I get banded tomorrow.' And after that, I'll probably be crying, right??? But you know how we humans are, we are never satisfied.

What has really encouraged me are all the stories and the wonderful people I have met on here who have take the time to read about me and offer encouragement. You really don't know how good that makes me feel. Because you know your time is your life and you have decided to give me some of your life. So for that, thank you very much.

I look forward to hearing from more of you and do keep in touch and add me as a friend so I can follow your stories/blogs as well.

Until later,




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YEAH!!! I'm soooo excited for you. I remember that i got to pick my date since i was self pay and it was crazy! I'm so jealous, my surgeon is one of the stricter ones and mmy pre-op diet was liquids including protein shakes, broth, cream soups, SF jello, popsciles and fudgciles(sp?) I lost 11 pounds on that and gained 4 on the day of surgery! i was about to have a heart attack till they told me it was from all the fluids they pumped in me and the gas during surgery. The worst part of recovery has been that damn gas!!!!OMG it gets trapped in my left shoulder and it's very painful, and of course the port soreness, but other than that my recovery has been great. I'm going back to work tomorrow, only cuz i cant afford to be off another day. I'm hoping i'll be fine, but my supervisor is pretty understanding and i know if i need to leave she'll let me. Best wishes as you start your journey. Oh yeah the shakes. i use six star(from walmart) i usually throw half a banana in mine or a spoon of peanut butter.

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Oh, thanks Jennifer for the info on Walmart. I'll check and see if they are on my list. There are a whole slew of them. How long were you allowed to stay out of work according to the doctor?

Thanks also for the kind words and support. I'm so happy. I already am beginning to feel like a new person. I think so much of this is mental. I feel like I have had the surgery and I am trying to eat right and do the right things.

Make sure you take it easy at work, don't overdue it and as you said, if you need to leave early, then just do it. Your health is all you really have so don't mess it up. Losing on the liquid shake sounds good. That peanut butter idea also makes sense as that is also protein.

Let me know how the first day goes. Oh, is that port area, open, do we have like a little hole in us for the fill. I guess you can see and feel it?


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Karon: yay for you!! Its so exciting when you finally have a date to look forward too (i remember it well!) The Bariatric Fusion chocolate mousse is the best shake powder I have found and also the sugar free carnation instant breakfast is pretty good (tates like chocolate milk) and you can add powdered milk to it to up the protein also. Dont worry about that muscle milk restriction, its gross anyways (I've tried chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla and they were all gross....big time protein aftertaste!!) Best of luck on your journey and finding a protein you like!!

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Hi, hopefully soon.

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog. I just wrote one that you might find interesting about the things we have to do to get ready. Where are you in the process. Bariatric Fusion is a name I don't recall hearing yet. Where do you buy it? I ordered some super whey protein from walmart and some Unjury and a bunch of samples from other companies. I hope I like the stuff from Walmart as I have a total of 6 pounds of it and I am only supposed to take 1 scoop as opposed to 2 scoops on the pre-op diet. So it should last a long time. I am going to try and make smoothies out of them in the blender and hope they will be palatable to me. I can't afford to waste money. However, I have done liquid diets in the past and I didn't mind too much. But this is going to be for 21 days and I'm not really looking forward to that. Thank God we can have some fish and chicken everyday along with yogurt and oatmeal and some veggies. Hopefully, it won't be too bad. Oh and jello and sugar free popsicles.

Talk with you again soon.


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