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day four and back 80%



Well today is day four post-op and I'm doing quite well. My friends cant believe how go i'm doing being up and mobile. I was going stir crazy in the house so i ran a few errands and i felt ok. Sometimes when i first get up after having sat for a long period of time my port site hurt and it feels like gravity is pulling it down. It only feels better if i support it with my hand and rub it. Spoke with the nurse yesterday and i'm right on track. I may return to work on Thurs, but i'm not rushing it.


I am still amazed that i dont have an appeitite! where the hell did it go! believe me i'm not complaining, but i have no restriction cuz my band is empty, but i have no desire to eat whatsoever. I am still making myself drink my liquids as i can start mushies on sat. i want to go to the gym tomorrow and just walk on the treadmill. we'll see how that goes.




How is everyone else doing that was banded recently?


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day 15 and ecstatic. I have no days over 600 calories and I have not been starving at all. When I do get hungry it is not nearly as all-consuming as it was in the past like GET ME A PIZZA FAST! No, it is now I think I need another 10 calorie teaspoon of sugar free raspberry preserves. Or a 10 calorie tablespoon of fat free sugar free choc pudding. GL and keep in touch

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i didnt really eat today and boy did i pay for it. the gas in my left shoulder was ridiculous and as soon as i ate some soup it went away! go figure! i wont be doing that again.

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