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BanDiva Hits the Gym

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Day six of my happy travels and I actually got up and went to 24 hour fitness. I'm not much into neighborhood strolls, I prefer the aroma of sweat, barbells and dumbbells, the belts of treadmills and stairmasters and loud music to get me pumped! My goal was to complete 30 minutes of no incline at 2.5mph, but I did myself ONE better, I actually walked for 45 minutes at a pace of 3.5mph! At one point I wanted to break into a sprint, but I followed the rules and enjoyed my brisk walk on the treadmill.


The exciting thing about my personal journey is that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE working out!! And to top that off, I'm a trained professional in the field, I've been personal/group training under an apprenticeship since I was about 19 years old, and I've been certified for just over a year. The problem for me was that although I could achieve the results with consistency, discipline and HARD work, I often times failed as a "victim of circumstance." So many times, I let life happen and knock me right back to rock bottom! But not this time, BanDiva will allow me to not only reach my wildest dreams of having the perfect body, but allow me to be my own walking advertisement to make some great extra bucks in my spare time.


As far as the rest of the day was concerned, I did work for a few hours today and trained one of my colleagues in the process. I think that kind of wiped me out, because I was having to do a lot of uncomfortable twisting and talking. So I went home early and partook of my last two meetings of the day via conference call. After I sobbed from watching Oprah, I actually got up and cooked dinner for my kiddos for the first time since I had the surgery. The amazing thing about this was that I was not tempted, not even a little by the aroma of my infamous spaghetti! I didn't have a desire to eat it, taste it, lick the spoon or savor over what I thought I was missing.


I had about a quarter cup of seasoned chicken broth for dinner and a sugar free strawberry popsicle, and I AM ALL GOOD and FULL! I took about a teaspoon of hydrocodone and Mac and Me lie in the bed as I express my thoughts to you good people!


I hope everyone has a splendid evening, I receive so much encouragement, inspiration and hope as I read your stories of success and struggles, I'm not alone and I visualize what's to come!


Nighty Night :lol:

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wow girl you are doing the damn thang!!!! i might venture out and try the gym tomorrow. isnt it amazing how you dont want food you would usually want. i still dont really have an appetite. i had a friend eat some popeye's chicken right in front of me and it didnt bother me in the least. LOL! i'm soooo glad and pray that continues. Keep up the good work. I gained 4 pounds when i got out of surgery and was told it was due to the liquiids they put in me and the gas, no matter how they got there i want them gone. so far i've lost 3 of them, but i'mma need that last one to get up and get moving! i know that sounds crazy but i never want to see the scale going in the wrong direction! LOL!

Keep up the good work hun!

You have a beautiful smile by the way.

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Yay YOU! I wish I loved to work out! I don't hate it.. really... but I don't love it yet. I think once I see the effects of the workout I will learn to love it though LOL!

enjoyed your blog.. keep up the good work!


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I am equally proud of you, thanks for sharing all of your successes, you're an inspiration!

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I like the high I feel from working out, it actually does release endorphins, you know the feel good hormones...so I'm like a crack addict searching for that high when I go to the gym sometimes, especially when I'm in one of my moods!:rolleyes:

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