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♪♫♪ Crazy Huband Say WHAAAT?! ♪♫♪



So I have this little problem... we'll actually, its a HUGE problem!!! unsure.gif *TMI* alert: Since the surgery my sex drive has disappeared!!! (had surgery Sept. '10) Its not that I don't love my husband or don't want to be with him... I just simply don't have the desire for that.

So now for the past few weeks I have been accused of cheating...*sigh* My husband has this idea in his head that anytime I step out of this house its to be unfaithful to him!!! As funny as this sounds... its really breaking my heart. Its been a constant battle (almost every night) with him. I'm sick of fighting about this but he really is convinced that Im cheating and the only to calm him down is to freaking show him proof of where I've been or what I've been doing sad.gif. And I know I shouldn't feed into that but its the only way I can shut him up! I don't know what to do anymore... Im really TIRED of this Bull$#!* WHAT DO I DO !?!?!? I can't take it anymore... sad.gif

#this is one of very few times I regret getting the surgery- Other than that.... I FREAKING LOVE MY BAND...down 65lbs and feeling great in my XL clothes biggrin.gif


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I had the same thing with my hubby wondering if I was going to leave him for someone better once I started looking better! Some men get insecure when their wives get thinner & more confident, it took a lot of reassuring! As for the lack in sex drive, call your doctor. You may have a hormone imbalance that can be easily cured with a cream or pill. Good luck! I hope things get better!!!

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I have lost my sex drive too. Its been many months now - nothing. I even went as far as to get testosterone gel from my gyn. However, that caused my band to get tighter. If you havent experienced it yet, our hormones play a huge role in our bands. I didnt actually believe it until month after month I realized at PMS time I was throwing up a lot and unable to eat. My doc confirmed it. He said its common. I didnt want to have sex 30 pounds ago because I was too fat. Now...I still feel the same. Im still 200 lbs though. Im hoping IF I ever get down to my goal weight of 170 that I will feel sexy again. Best of luck to you.

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Thanks guys!

I am not an adulterer and to be accused of being one makes me sick to my stomach. I've always been upfront and honest with my husband and never gave him a reason to doubt me. Its just unbelievable to me.

I made an appointment with my doctor today. Hopefully she'll be able to help me fix this sad.gif

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Think he is feeling insecure that youre losing weight and have the fear that you might want someone else just reassure him and me be EXTRA accountable until he start feeling secure about your marriage.

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