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6 Days Post Op and a little TMI!!

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Ciara Patrice


So, I'm 6 days Post Op as of 12 o'clock this evening and, I'm feeling about 85% normal. My abdomen is still sore and some of the incision sites. I can actually see one incison (the bandage came off) and the incision looks healed for the most part. I'm hoping I won't have horrible scars on my tummy, but then again, I have stretch marks so I doubt it makes any difference.


I'm also feeling hunger pangs. Or should I say hunger pains? I looked into the forums and read that though our small pouch may be filled to capacity the larger stomach is still there growling underneath. My question is... is hunger supposed to hurt?! I've felt hungry pre-surgery and it didn't "hurt" just a lort of growling... Now post op, I get the growling and it hurts! I'm not sure if it's because of the band and it's still sore/swollen on the inside, which is my best guess... but sheesh! When it growls, I can not waist anytime! That's one pain I don't want to deal with...


Now to the TMI... I'm pretty sure during surgery they gave me antibiotics, and these almost ALWAYS cause me to get yeast infections. Ugh! So three days post op after anesthesia and all the meds are completely wearing off, I realize that I have a yeast infection. This sucks because I HATE using the nasty creams and inserts you can buy from the store, and I think the prescription pills work best, but now that pills are a no go for bandsters, I had to break down and buy the insert... Why am I sharing this info? I don't know just mad that I have a yeast infection and can't take a Diflucan to get rid of it ASAP...just needd to vent!


Well anyway, I haven't weighed myself since surgery... I think I'll wait, but I won't lie, I'm very tempted. I'm at work so if I find time I'll probably go check it out, but I won't update my ticker until I have my first post op appt on May 2. I guess that's all for now. Hope all is well with everyone in LapBand land and my Surgery Date Twins!



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Mine to and it hurts sometimes. Guess its norm.

Hey Sh#t happens about the TMI. And remember to much antibiotics give us those dam things Eat yogurt. :)

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Today is Day 6 post op for me. Girl... I know what you mean by the growling stomach.. OMG, my husband thinks it's the most funniest thing, cause it's LOUD..Heat has been my friend for it, it seems to help me. I'm a TMI girl myself, and appreciate your honesty about your journey. :rolleyes:

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