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Day 3 : Happy Easter

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Today is a day Ive sort of dreaded for awhile. My dad is well known for making the most amazing feasts for holidays. Seriously every single pound gained by holiday food made by him has been well worth it. However this year things of course will be very different.


So far this morning I have only had a protein shake for breakfast and its already 2. I dont know what I am going to do while around so much amazing food when all I can have is liquids. But its temptations like this that got me in trouble in the first place. Ill update tonight with how things go.


As far as pain goes. I am still sore on port side, but I definetly feel an improvement. I am able to bend over a little easier and it isnt quite as painful. Getting up out of a chair isnt as painful either.


The next big step is going back to work which will be happening in just a couple. Even though I have a light work job, I am afraid about how I am going to concentrate with the pain meds, the hunger pains, and just the overall body pain. Guess I shall see on wednesday.


Time to get ready for easter dinner, should be an interesting night!



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i feel your pain i was invinted to a friends house and then to my hubbys family for Easter and it sucked not being able to eat. I am in the pureed food stage but still it sucked. I made deviled eggs and cupcakes to bring to my friends and it was agony just baking them.

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Determine-Gem, including my surgery day I have been off for 4 days. In all honesty with my desk job, I probably could have been back as early as day 3, but I want to make sure im 100 percent before returning.

WitchyArmyWife- Agony is for sure, my family had a huge cake that I couldnt touch which really sucked.. as I said on my blog I cheated a little bit and had some devilled egg mix and some mash portatoes, but only a small amount. I need to get back on track tomorrow!

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