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Day 1 : Update

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Well I definetly over did it this evening. Less than 24 hours after having stomach surgery I was out running errands at Target and Michaels. This turned out too be a big mistake. While I had good intentions of getting out and moving around, I went too far and have paid for it all night. It didnt take long for me to start becoming very weak while out walking around. I became sweaty, pain increased, and I for the first time, I felt nausiated.


By the time I got home I felt ill, and was in a lot of pain. I laid down to try to calm down and relax but the pain and sickness persisted.


Its around midnight now, and the nausia has subsided but I am still very sore. At the very least I know ive made sure that there wont be blood clot problems.


I am scheduled to see the doc tomorrow at 11. I plan on letting him know that while taking it easy, things have been pretty darn good under the circumstance. However I certainly need to take things much easier and realize that no matter how non invasive the surgery was, it was still stomach surgery, something that my body needs plenty of time to recoup from.


I am hoping for a full nights sleep tonight, and hopefully a little less pain tomorrow!

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I've tried to take it easy, it's tough when you are a normally busy person.

I can take my dogs for a potty break outside and do a few minor things but that's about it. I am not sleeping straight through the night. Normanlly my dogs would wake me up to go to the bathroom, now I am waking them up. Not sure what's up with that.


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