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Day O : I am banded!

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Well I did it.. i really cant believe that I have a lap band inside of my right now.. Truly amazing..


So let me talk a little about today..


Got to the medical center plenty early for the obligatory signing of the stack of disclaimers waivers and such.. seriously they definetly know how to cover their asses should something go wrong lol.. the tough thing is that you have to initial every single potential complication.. so as you go down the list its hard not to cringe and wonder 'what if', will I be that guy..


They took me into the room and took my pulse, blood pressure and asked me a bunch of questions about alergys and such..


Then I had to literally strip completely down and put this really thin paper gown on.. not a pretty sight thats for sure..it was cold in the place which made it even tougher..


They finally started the IV which, being a complete needle sissy, is never fun..


The surgeon and the anesthesiologist took turns coming in and answering any last minute questions I had (which if you still have questions at this point, then what the hell are you doing there!)


Finally they came and said it was time


Now let me say, that walk from the room to the operating table has to be the single most nervewracking moment ever.. it seriously feels like the green mile.. the operating table looked lile a lethal injection table too.. the arms jutted out to the side so i looked like i was being cruxified. Had straps on it too, not quite sure why but i was completely strapped to that thing..


THANKFULLY, after speaking to the anesthesiologist early, as soon as I laid down he pumped me full of meds, so up until the moment I was knocked out, I felt pretty high lol


Next thing I knew I was being woken up, I sort of remember the tube being taken out.


First thing I immediatly noticed: The Gas Pain


Truly has to be one of the most painful and uncomfortable things I have ever felt.. No matter what meds they gave me, nothing could get rid of that pain.


They had a nice heater thing keeping me warm while laying in bed. After awhile they had me get up and walk around. Walking around was not a problem really, but boy o boy that gas.. truly was brutal.


I was informed I had a major hiatel(sp?) hernia that was repaired which was great news as I have dealt with acid reflux for years now, and now I knew the cause.


Was finally rolled out of the place I think about an hour or so after I woke up.


All the way home, again the one constant was the gas pain.. basically I couldnt take anything other than very short breaths as anything more was met with immidiate pain.


When I got home I tried to walk around as much as I could as I have had a family friends husband die from a bloot clot after surgery and I definetly am taking steps to ensure that doesnt happen to me.


I got to finally experience Liquid Vicodin.. boy o boy, goooood times that is all I can say about that, especially considering I had to slowly slurp it down.. ughh


And so now I am just layin in bed... ive been able to burp a little to clear some of the gas, but sadly still in pain.. Its also numb where the port is which bugs me, I really hope that doesnt stay like that...


But in any event I did it, I took back control of my life. I just know it will get easier from here.. I got my second chance at a healthy life, something soo many people wish they could have, and something that many dont ever get.


Well tomorrow is Day 1 of the next chapter of my life.. I figure ittl be a tough night, but its one night closer to being pain free, and obesity free.


Thanks again to all of you who have read my blogs, I really hope that if you are on the edge and are considering the lap band that you do it. While there is obviously some pain now, I think we can all agree it will pale in comparison to a triple bipass, or some other medical surgery that would be required without turning things around now.


Chears to a new life!!

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The gas pain was the worst part for me. It lasted for 5 days and was painfully severe. I was thinking for the first 5 days that the lap band Idea was a horrible idea and I should have never done it. After that, it has been easy and great! The band became a good idea again. Every day get's better and easier!

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yes, the gas pain is bad. take your liquid pain med or liquid extra strength tylenol. it takes the edge off. and walk. walk walk!!! congratulations!!!:)

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Use a heating pad and take gas x chewable..I got lucky..right before I went in I asked my Dr. to use as little gas as possible that I heard it is the worst part after..After surgery he talked to me and told me that if all his banding surgeries went as smooth as mine he would do them all day long. I was only in surgery for half an hour and he said he didn't need much gas..thank God..now for me when the numbing wore off around the port..Wow..is that sore..but I had my surgery on Monday 4/18 and today I was out and about running errands..Good luck and keep me posted as I will do the same.

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