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Feb 12

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Lazy sunday so far, doing about 6 loads of laundry,lol. I have bought at least 15 cute summer tops and had to get rid of 4 trash bags full of stuff that either doesnt fit, doesnt look good, or I that I just dont wear. I swear I have too many clothes. I cleaned out both my closets. Chris and Cory invited us over to BBQ later.


breakfast.....3 cups coffee, Splenda, sugarfree Caramel Vanilla creamer

lunch.......bowl of stew, picked out the potatoes

snack.......some pistachios

supper......dont know yet..update: 2 glasses of Sauvignon Blanc premeal, 2 ribs, small piece of fajitas, some guacamole, 2 bites of beans, about an hour after dinner a cup of coffee and half piece of cake

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Lazy sunday so far, doing about 6 loads of laundry,lol. I have bought at least 15 cute summer tops and had to get rid of 4 trash bags full of stuff that either doesnt fit, doesnt look good, or I that I just dont wear. I swear I have too many clothes. I cleaned out both my closets. Chris and Cory invited us over to BBQ later.

breakfast.....3 cups coffee, Splenda, sugarfree Caramel Vanilla creamer

lunch.......bowl of stew, picked out the potatoes

snack.......some pistachios

supper......dont know yet..update: 2 glasses of Sauvignon Blanc premeal, 2 ribs, small piece of fajitas, some guacamole, 2 bites of beans, about an hour after dinner a cup of coffee and half piece of cake

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