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Day -9 April 11 <Starting Weight 326.6>

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Well seeing how informational reading other blogs are, I felt it was my duty to publish one in hopes that maybe somebody can gain insight or information from my lap band experience.


Today I have marked as -9 as in 9 more days left before I am banded on April 21 and my new life begins!


Started my preop diet today.. and it has been ROUGH. I had a protein shake for breakfast which wasnt bad, and had some lean chicken.. but the hunger is almost unbearable and its only the first day!


Ive had a migrane as well as an empty stomach all day and its affecting my work.. Im going to try to do some excersing tonight.. also am going to do the ol' Pre Pictures that I will be able to look back on in the future!.. Also need to weigh myself so that I have my Official starting weight.. not looking forward to that..


Well this should be good for now.. I know that someday I will look back on this blog and be able to say, That was the day that my life started to change for the better.


<Edit> Looks like my official starting weight is 326.6... brutal.. but hopefully starting tomorrow morning I will never see a number like that ever again.

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