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I am still burping and I have gas that needs to be release....HELP

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I hate burping because it's hurts my tummy and chest. The gas is there, but it feels like it moving around waiting on something. Well come gas, I dare you.......LOL This may be one of the reason why I don't want to intake much fluids and I'm looking at my protein shake and about to gag. Well, I try to drink at least 1 oz of liquids every hour, and see how that works. In the meantime, I need to expel some of this gas.

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The gas x strips really helped me and you need to walk around as much as you can. I started out walking from one end of my house to the other, almost immediately it helped, I was a burping fool!

Also you need to make sure you are getting way more than 1oz of fluid an hour, if you don't increase your intake of fluid you will dehydrate.........GOOD LUCK, YOU CAN DO IT!

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I was in the worst pain around day 4. GasX strips and walking are your best bet (I walked 5,000 steps that day). I am now day 11 post-op and am feeling good. Don't get me wrong, there is still port pain and suture itching/irritation, but the gas has way subsided. I will not lie, I'm still gagging at the shakes. Between pre-op and post-op diet I'm 15 days without food and it is a challenge.

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