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Another trip to the doctor

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I went to my doctor's office a couple of days ago and didn't receive a fill this time around. I have been seeing the nurse practitioner the past couple of times and she is just as nice and informative as the surgeon. She recommended I not get a fill this time and just focus on exercise for this month (which I have been very much slacking off on). She also gave me a list of recommended Lean Cuisine type dishes that they recommend for lunches. They all include chuncks of protein (which she tells me to have), under 300 calories, and over 15 grams of protein. I really like having that list because it wasn't what I was eating! So, hopefully I will lose more this month. I am almost to 7.5 cc's in a 10 cc band, but I finally have restriction, so that is a positive!

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My surgeon told me not to exercise. His exact words: "Exercise doesn't constitute weight loss." He said to pick up another hobby because the treadmill I told him I bought, he said he guarentee's I won't be using it for long. Some support! Good luck on your exercise.

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