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My Surgery Experience

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The form fitting clothes in my closet were disappearing. So were my heels and jeans. Somehow they were replaced with sweatshirts, sweatpants, and men's t-shirts and I couldn't stand the sight of myself. I was avoiding situations where my weight would possibly be an issue. I wasn't living any more, I was existing.


Once my denial was completely drained out, I realized although I promised this time would be different, my dieting and exercise attempts failed over the past 4 years. I made the appointment to learn more about the lap band in October of 2010 and after the seminar I was sure it was for me.


At times I doubted if I could go through with it, if I could say goodbye to overeating. But then I remembered how I felt after I overate, how I looked after I overate. How my health would continue on the downward path if I keep overeating. So, I keep remembering that "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels".


Yes, I can choose to eat that bacon cheeseburger, that steak, those fries. It's not that "I can't eat it because I'm dieting". Now, I think "I don't want to eat that because I want to live".


I had a great surgery experience. My veins are usually very difficult but the nurse got the IV in on her first try :lol:. The anesthesiologist was witty and charming and the surgeon was eager for me to start my new life (and also let me know Mondays are great for him because he's well rested :P). They gave me a drug to relax me then took me back to the OR. We were talking and next thing I knew I woke up in the recovery room. I was in pain, let them know, and started my pain medication regimen. Then I had an xray done on the same bed, I was glad I didn't have to move around.


Then I went to another room, my husband came in and I was released within an hour. I was happy to go home and sleep!


Today is day 2, I have no hunger for now and I'm so glad this part is over with! I will definitely find some terrible pictures my husband managed to sneak of me a few days before the liquid diet and post them :).


Thanks for reading!

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I am glad you are doing well Suzahhn. Hang in there! I got banded on January 20 and I've lost 13 lbs already! It's really exciting. I was not hungry the first week either; I am on my second week and even I feel a little hungry, I am able to manage to follow the diet and I am not starving at all.

Good luck with your recovery!

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Sounds like you are doin great! Awesome! I went threw the doubt as well but it was more like me questioning myself if I was at this point. If I was over reacting and exagerating (sp?) my situation. I have been fighting the mind lately on what stage of the pre-op diet I am on. Trying to justify being closer to full liquids then I am. Thankfully I caught myself and was able to talk to my facilitator and she got my head on straight. I LOVE your quote you said "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" that is so true. I'm goin to put that on my locker at work to remind me not to over do it there too!

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So happy everything went well for you!! The next six weeks can be up and down..just stay positive and you will be fine....this is time for you to focus on your healing and paving the road for your success. I wish you the very best on your journey!!

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I'm so glad that the surgery itself made my dedication even stronger. Just knowing it's there makes me feel even more focused.

normis, I'm happy for you! 13lbs is quite a bit for such a short time span.

bmendoRNurse, nope, no gas ex. My surgeon never recommended it to me. I mostly feel sore at the port site. The nausea I'm sorta happy for because I think it's helping me not eat :)

ravendays, it really is! I'm not a huge fan of Kate Moss but that quote stuck with me.

finallyncontrol, thanks for the motivation!

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I will be praying for you in the next few days! Keep focused and be excited your starting a new direction in your life!

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