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Rich Fatty Foods are Like Destiny; They too, Shape Our Ends

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Project Disney


And what a shape my end is in. If it weren't for the poilnts of my shoes you wouldn't know what direction my end was heading. It is unfortunatly true that our unhealthy eating habits do effect our destiny. However; it is never too late to change our compulsion to over eat and thereby change our destiny. After two months of taking my lapband seriously and allowing it to work properly I already feel a change in my destiny. I do not feel entrapped in a cell of cellulite. Oh, I still have plenty, but I am making a break from the prison of fat that surrounds me. I am cutting one prison bar at a time. I have not had any fatty foods for two months and have learned about satisfying alternatives. So here is a cheer to all of those "ends" that are working their ends off for a new distiny'..lol... Blessings... Dolly

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