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Day two of Pre-Op Diet

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So today I had a great day of eating NOTHING! LOL!!! I wanted to feed my emotions a giant cheeseburger and fries, with a side of chicken strips from the local Casey's store! BUT I didn't! I am proud of myself for staying strong! My boyfriend got admitted into the hospital right before I went to work today to work 13 long hours! He's ok though, just needed to get hydrated and his blood sugar back to normal. I'll be sleeping along tonight :(


So I had a protein shake w/ banana for breakfast around 10 a.m., another one for supper around 5 p.m., and a yogurt, and some sugar free jello around 9:30 p.m. My tummy is growling, but I'm not hungry, just a tad gassy, it's weird. I didn't get a workout in today, but feel good about eating liquids only. OH! I also had 64 ounces of water both days and a YUCKY flinstones chewable multivitamin UCKY!!!


So, I have my pre op class tomorrow as well as my last required diet/nutrition class. I'm SO HAPPY there is no snow in the forecast and I pray it stays that way!!! My 2 hour drive there and 2 hour drive back already causes me much anxiety without the snow! I will have my panick attack med on hand in case I need it, but really pray I don't!!!


Anyway, thanks for reading about my day and DAY THREE HERE I COME!!!!


I'll be in classes until 10:30 at the hospital and then have to have labs drawn FASTING, so I won't get my first liquids/food until around 11 tomorrow! That's gonna be tough! Leaving my house at 6 a.m. for dr appts/classes and not being able to eat/drink anything until 11 a.m. and THEN when I can, it can only be LIQUIDS!??? WTF! LOL,


I'll get it done though.... I have to!


Good night all!

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