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Feeling much better.

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Formerly LoseIt!


Yesterday I was very frustrated with myself, but I'm doing much better today. I realize that I have to take this one day at a time, sometimes one meal at a time. I've always known that, but when I get overwhelmed, I forget. :-)


I didn't have a PERFECT day yesterday. I was unable to work out at lunch like I had wanted. But I ate a reasonable lunch at my desk and I went to Jazzercise where I worked out hard. After Jazzercise, my friend reminded me that we were supposed to meet another friend for dinner. Flexibility, where are you?! I was quite proud of myself for going to a yummy Mexican place and ordering a cup of soup. I also had some chips, but I portioned them out and didn't ask for more. At the end of the day, I had a calorie deficit of 400. Not stellar, but if I did that everyday, I would lose a pound every 9 days or so. That would be 40 pounds in a year which is close to my goal!


Today, I (again) have to be flexible. I won't be able to work out at lunch because I have to go get an allergy shot. I would put it off, but I'm going out of town W-F and wouldn't be able to get it until next week and I'm already overdue. That's okay though. I have committed to myself that I will do a Zumba Wii class when I get home tonight. That will be difficult for me because I have dinner plans (will make good choices!) and then I have to come home and pack. BUT, our dinners always end early. I have no doubt I will be home by 8pm...8:30pm at the latest. It should only take about 30 minutes to pack and I can work out for 30 minutes and I should still have 30-90 minutes to relax before going to bed.


I've been very proud of myself lately for being productive, but the lazy couch potato in me is lamenting not having all my down time. I have got to get used to not needing all that.


Sidenote: Did anybody watch Heavy on A&E last night? I thought it was a great show and I plan to continue watching. For those that haven't heard of it, it is a documentary about people struggling with weightloss. They follow 2 people each episode over the course of 6 months. It is a "real" show and not a competition or full of gimmicks.


I probably won't have another entry until next Monday, so have a great week! Hopefully the DC area will get a heat wave for me. :)



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Yeah I watched Heavy..I thought it was awesome. I think we struggle just like they do/did. I find shows like that are very motivational. I just wish I had a trainer like they do.

I think you are an awesome person who really knows themselves inside and out. You know exactly where you need to go and how to get there...you set your goals..and not unrealistic goals. I don't believe you are too hard on yourself either. I think sometimes you barter with yourself which I think is comical. I think it would be awesome if you could print out your blog and read it in 5 yrs, and then in 10 and 20...I know I would love to see it again.

You are going to make your goal and I think it will be way sooner than a year..but I will be here waiting and watching!!

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It sounds like you are very focused, and you know what needs to be done and you make time to do it. I struggle with finding time to fit everything into one day, and still make time for myself and working out. I have a 5 year old son who requires a lot of my time once I enter the front door from work. I also have my 18 year old daughter to assist with my grandson whose 6 months old today. Sometimes, I feel so overwhelmed with my day to day responsibilities, but I can not lose sight of my weight lost goals and all the things I need to do to lose weight. I do hope things continue to get better with you and have a safe trip.

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