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But my name is Rachel!!!....

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So this morning at work we were about to reach the golden hour and go home a male co worker and I were going to break for a minute before we finished up paper work. So he checked his patient to make sure he was okay he was up out of bed bathing and he wanted to put him back to bed before we left. The patient was already in bed and this male co worker asked how he got there to which the patient replied "The pretty blonde helped me" So he is telling me this story on our way down the elevator and I felt it.... I knew I was about to get my feelings hurt... He slipped and said "So of course I knew he was talking about Laura." Wow I am blonde too but my name is Rachel!!!!!! This is the first time since high school I felt this way. Now I could not compare or even think I would ever compare to this "Pretty blonde." Now okay lets let the guy off the hook here for a minute he is only a male... so I laugh and say "Gee thanks" and I felt it again the look on his face was that of someone who was about to dig there hole even deeper... he replied "Now your pretty Rachel but I mean shes gorgeous..." Wow really? SERIOUSLY????????????

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<P>Hey Rachel I'm looking at your picture and I'm sure he was mistaken lol.....Girl you are beautiful dont let some fool take that away from you!!!</P>

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Wow....some people just don't realized the power of words. When you were telling the story...I thought he was going to say you. You are beautiful. I mean why else share the story with you? I wasn't anticipating that ending. I thought the patient has just forgotten your name. This co worker....ahhhhh. Why share a story that would hurt someones feelings? Keep you chin high and know that true beauty isn't whether you are "gorgeous". It is the beauty from the inside. You just happen to be blessed with both! :rolleyes:

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Thanks guys. He is only a man... you have to forgive him I guess lol... I told my husband and he was just like wow he really stuck his foot in his mouth didn't he.... It is funny of course now but it kinda stung at first.... but boy do I plan to get the last laugh!!!

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NO! Do not dare let him off the hook because he is "only a man". He is a complete idiot and I have to question his motives for even telling you that story. I would stay away from him. He does not have your best interests at heart.

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Lol I promise he was not meaning to do it. I gave him hell last night teasing him about it all night so he is pretty embarrassed. Btw He is my co worker I can't stay away from him.

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