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The Introduction

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I'm here to introduce myself. My name is Lindsey and I have been banded for almost 7 months now. I've decided to try out this blogging thing to see what it's like so here is my first entry. The issues that I'm having has inspired me to start this blog to see what kind of feedback I would receive if any. First let me tell you a little bit about myself. Like I said my name is Lindsey and I am 23 years old. I have been over weight for as long as I can remember. Like a lot of people it has led to low self confidence and the feeling of not wanting to live in my own skin. I am a Cosmetologist and with those two problems, in my mind I have already set myself up for failure.


I've wanted to be skinny my whole life. Constantly trying those fad diets. When I was in junior high, my mom and I joined Weight Watchers. We attended for one meeting and never went back. Go figure. When I was in my freshman year of high school I decided that I wanted to try one of those pills to help you get skinny. I immediately took to Trim Spa. I believe I took only three pills until I was over that. I've always been a person who wants to see instant results. After that I tried the Atkins diet. Losing twenty pounds in two weeks wasn't right. I was literally starving myself because all you were able to eat was meat and I've never been a meat person. I love chicken though. My senior year I met a new friend who was on Slim4Life. It worked and all if you enjoy eating bland chicken and steamed veggies at every meal. It just wasn't for me. My final attempt was to rejoin Weight Watchers where I lost forty pounds. I couldn't keep it off of course.


My parents and I had basically given up until my mom came across the idea of the Lap Band. I was instantly excited. The thought of a tool helping me with my weight loss seemed like a dream come true. We followed all the steps through the insurance. The six month nutrition plan, going to see a psychiatrist, and a nutritionist, yada yada yada. After all that we got approved right away. I was the first up for the surgery and everything went smoothly. I had the best surgeon and nurses in the world. They were amazing. I've had great results up until now. Here is where I ask for advice from the reader of this fine entry.


My battle with snacks. What are your tips on snacking? How do you bypass the temptations of these deliciously salty and sweet treats? I tell myself you can have one taste and that it is. Four tastes later and I regret even giving into my temptation. My other battle is with water. I'm so used to drinking water with my meals that I have a hard time not getting a glass when I eat. What are your suggestions on that topic? I'm needing some advice and I thank you in advance. I hope you enjoyed my first entry and I hope your personal journeys are treating you all well. Until next time.

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I can't keep any snacks that I like in the house or I will eat them. I keep some for my husband and kids but I make sure they are healthy and not something I could typically crave (like chocolate). seriously, that is the only way around it because my willpower is still not where it should be :-). The water dilemma is something I fight, too. I drink water before meals and after I eat, I'm instantly thirsty and time myself for an hour before I drink. It's so hard. But, the one time I tried sipping after I had something to eat, the water made water I ate get stuck so that was that!

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I think my most difficult problem to overcome is "NOT" drinking with meals. I am having so much trouble as well. I do sip some water every now and then. Especially, if I am eating something spicy. I don't drink, but I do sip. I make sure I take a long water or low fat milk if I am out at a resturant, because afterwards if we go somewhere else, I have something to drink 1/2 hour later. That seems to work. I was told by my doctor that I was ONLY permitted to eat Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner and I was not to have snacks in between meals. Well, that is unreal. I usually eat fruit or nuts. I am having trouble too with this. This is not easy. If I am hungry, I try to find things to do besides eat. Sometimes that can be very difficult. Like now. I want to eat something, but I usually don't eat dinner until 6 pm and so I thought I'd go on this site and pass some time away waiting until when I can eat. I think it takes practice to find ways to do other things besides eat. I started this whole thing in October of 2010 and was banded Novl 5 and only lost 18 lbs. I feel like I should have lost more. I've only had 2 fills. I am doing pretty much of what I am supposed to be doing, but no major weight loss yet. This is sometimes so slow I get so upset and bored. I truly want to stick with it though. My husband bought me "Dance 2" for my WII and sometimes when I want to eat, I put that in and dance to that instead. It is fun. I also sew and if I want to eat, try to do one of the above first. Like I said, I think it takes practice to keep away from the food and do something else first. Good luck and I so do relate!!!!!

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Snacks and sodas were my most favorite things before I was banded. I was banded December 1, 2010. I have lost a total of 65lbs since I started my pre-op diet November 17. I quit cold turkey of sodas and only snacking I do now is yogurt or sugar free jello. I do not bring snacks in the house and only time I get tempted is when I am at work. I do not drink while I am eating, very hard thing to do. When I am eating out I will have water right up to when I eat and then ask server to take glass away, takes out the temptation. Wish you success on this, hope things get better.

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