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Time for a fitness challenge!

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Formerly LoseIt!


Yesterday, I didn't take the time to write my blog entry in the morning and then I never got back to it. That seems to be a thing, so I have to make it a priority. History shows that blogging keeps me on track and I WANT to stay on track and reach my goals!


I have started another of my fitness challenges. They have always been so successful for me in the past so it seems like good timing. I plan to work out 6 times a week for 6 weeks...with at least 1 workout per week dedicated to running. I didn't want to get too specific or too hard core. I wanted it to be doable, but a challenge.


Sunday, I did the free run on the Wii for 20 minutes. Not a huge workout, but it got me moving on an otherwise lazy day. Yesterday, I worked out at lunch doing lunges, 8 minutes on the elliptical, 20 minutes on the treadmill and some strength training. After work, my LB Support Group meeting was cancelled (sad!), so I went to Jazzercise for an hour. So by the end of Monday, I had done 3 of my 6 workout committments!!


Today, I plan to walk on the treadmill at lunch. I have found that hills (inclines) are my weakness, so I'm attacking that. Right now I'm walking at 3 mph, but I hope to increase that over time. Then I vary the incline between 5-15. It is funny how walking at a 15 incline for a few minutes make a 5 incline feel like a breeze!! I have noticed that on my 5Ks, I do all fine until I get to a hill and then I just poop out. My hope is to develop some resistance toward that. Since my knees won't allow me to run every day, I can still work on it with walking.


Have a wonderful day!!




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Sounds like you are very energetic. I suffer with chronic back pain and spinal stenosis, so the pain exhausts me. However, you mentioned the WII. My husband bought me "Dance 2" for my WII and I have been using it every day since. It is so much fun and if there is ever a chance where I go to a dance, I might be able to use my skills I learned on the WII. I also have the WII you did too. I use to do that and I must get back to it. There are some things on there that I do like. I like the hoola hoop. I like the running too, but I have bad knees too, with hopes of losing a lot of weight so they won't be so tender. I have lost only 18 pounds so far. I was banded Nov 5. I just got my second fill yesterday of 2.5 cc's. My first fill was 2 cc's. I was starved when I got home and I am to stick to a liquid diet for 24 hours and then a mushy diet for the next 24 hours. I cheated a little. I just am too hungry. However, I don't cheat that I over eat anything. Just something to make me a lttle full. I am not sure why we have to do the liquid diet after a fill. I forgot. Anyway, Sounds like you are doing so good. Congratulations and I hope I can keep up the energy level as well!

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I agree that the blogging helps to keep us focused. It really helps me to give myself at least 15 minutes each day to visit this site and refocus my goals. It helps keep me motivated and accountalbe!:rolleyes:

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