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The Only Thing that Sat It's Way to Success was a HEN. !

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Project Disney


You can not be a chicken when it comes to working out. Yes, I am egging you on to get up off the roost and work out. It's not a yolk. I am not pecking on anybody. I am pecking on all of us yolk-els on this site. For many, a good work out regimene will be the most eggsitement you have had for a good while. And that is the point eggs-actly ! Hens forth I want to see every one scramble everyday to work out . And if you do not ,guess what you will have on your face ? It doesn't have to be an eggscrutiating work out. Just a little more than you did the day before. Shell you decide it's not worth it, just read the peeps on this site about exercising. It's not hard to shell that excercise is a vital part of success to lose weight.. Omelet you go now. Keep smiling and your sunny side up . Blessings.. Dolly... Eggs to you. !



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