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Christmas Visit Home

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OK all I had my annual Christmas visit home to Michigan. I don't know what I was expecting, but what I wasn't expecting was for no one to mention my weight loss! Maybe its becuase over the years I made such a fuss about someone always asking me about my weight that now they just don't approach the subject. My brother casually said I can tell you've lost a lot of weight but that's about it. My sister (always my champion) told me i was looking good, and my mother didn't say a word. But I gather she said a lot to my grandmother whose down in Memphis. When I talked to Granny she said oh I hear you're still coming down, your face is slimmer, etc, etc...Amazing they couldn't say it to me but they said it to her.


Anyhoo I did good on the food front. Even though I was looking forward to an authentic chilli dog I didn't have one. Nor did I go to greek town, or any other of good eating in Detroit. I guess knowing its always there helps me to overcome the "need" to have it. And with my grandma out of town I didn't have to worry about peach cobbler and sweet potatoe pies.

How did you all do over the holiday?

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I ate pretty bad for 3 days starting out on christmas eve but I am back to measuring my food and counting calories today. Did not like how I felt after putting all those sweets in my body but it's on and popping so I can get these last 25 pounds off. Glad you did well with your eating!

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I didn't have anything fascinating, but then again, I didn't go around family with the tempting food. It's good to hear you resisted a slaw dog (is that's what's it's called)?

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I lost 3lbs over the week! I stayed with my aunt that made a comment or shook her head every time I ate something. So thanks to her I felt guilty the whole week and never finished eating anything! I went to the gym a few time also. Congrats on staying on track!

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Wow why are the holidays so full of craziness?! Jmunks2000 its called a chilli dog. And its the best thing since sliced bread. Toasted bun, hot dog, chilli without beans, onions and mustard. Cheap good food. Cost about $.99 and pair it with chlli cheese fries, the best worst food you can eat! lol

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