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I Know a Lot of Food is Tainted: It Taint For You and It Taint For Me

Project Disney


After two weeks of eating healthy foods and feeling the physical benefits, the above statement shouts it's truths to my energized mind and body. A balanced diet is not a cookie in each hand as I use to subscribe to. I know ,dear members, during this Holiday Weekend we are going to be tempted with all the trappings of failure as we encounter the riches of Christmas candies, pies, puddings and general Christmas treats. I am going to call this food group "tainted". I will not even consider eating "tainted" meat. It is poison to your system. And so it is with tempting Holiday treats. They are poison to our goals and resolve. If we label this food group as "TAINTED" , we will be less likely to succumb to it's temptation. This battle we fight is very much mental and I fight it with mental strategys. I hope this one will help you over the Holiday festivities. Blessings.



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