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116 Days Post Surgery - Things are looking up!

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I am now 2 pounds away from my first goal. I had originally set the goal date for Thanksgiving, but I just picked that date sort of randomly. I'm still really happy with my progress. I'm down 47 pounds and my BMI has decreased by 8! I am noticing that I am wearing clothes that I haven't been able to wear in years. I've had two fills and am scheduled for the next one over the Christmas break.


I am also finally making progress on my scheme to take over the world, I mean... get a job. I have been substituting in my district in hopes of getting a long term sub position and turning it into a full contract Teaching position by next year. My long term sub position begins Jan 10. (Earlier if the teacher I'm replacing delivers earlier.) As soon as she is scheduled to return to work, another teacher is scheduled to go on maternity leave. So I am probably set until the end of this school year. Now... just to convince them that they need to hire me permanently!


I have to admit, though, there is something to be said for the flexibility I have in my schedule as a day to day sub...

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you are doing great. Your success is a positive for all the rest of us. Thanks for caring enough to share. I hope to be able to join you with great results as I rededtcate myself to the lap band.

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