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My non-health banding reasons...

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Ok, I'm over weight, I'm fat- I know it, and anyone who can see me knows it as well. Those of you, my online support family if you will- understand the reasoning behind me wanting to get banded- and so, because of that- I thought I would share my non-health reasons... because honestly, I'm not sure if it's amusing, or if it's slightly psychotic! hahahaha!!


-Being able to go places and being the one the guys hit on, not my friends.

-Completely shocking everyone at my high school reunion in 2012

-Having a "fair shot" at actually meeting a man and having a relationship (yea, yea, if he was a decent guy he would see past the fat and see into the me on the inside.... I call BS! lol... And I will be the first to admit- I usually don't find overweight guys attractive- it just doesn't do it for me- so I can completely understand why I dont have guys knocking on my door all the time lol)

-Not being the girl they are talking about when they say "the big girl"

-Painting my own toenails- without getting stomach pains or having to hold my breath while I'm trying to paint them

-Riding more rides with my daughter at the fair, and not being worried that my belly pushes out the safety bar too much that it isn't safe for her

-Seeing my collar bones



It's just the simple things.


I know that I will DEFINITELY have some issues with not being able to see myself as thin- and even if I was able to see myself as thin, I will have to make sure I don't let it get to my head. Hell, I've been fat since I was like 5, so I want to enjoy being thin and having confidence- I just pray that I dont get cocky with it- because I've always hated when others were that way!!!


As of now I've been telling basically everyone about my lap-band, they are MOSTLY supportive- but i've run into those who are not as well. After I actually have it done, I may be a little more picky as to who I tell. For now, I still have more of the pre-op process to get through...

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Girl, i couldn't agree with you more on all of these things! My seven year old son constantly begs me to go on rides and im like ahhhhhh sorry kid. My reunion is in 2011.. eeeek. I just got my band about a month ago, havent seen too many changes yet, but i am sooo looking forward to it. Most people say they want their band for mostly health reasons, but its refreshing to see that you think the way i do. Good luck !


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You are refreshingly honest and you deserve to have everything you list here for you -- not just for health! Hang in there and see it through -- try to imagine the thin you and keep it in your mind. You deserve a healthy, sexy new you and you can do it. Hang in there with the prep and keep reading all of the posts and helpful information on the lapband.com website. I would encourage you to just tell those you are closest to who love you unconditionally to tell about your band -- you don't need everyone's judgments as you go through this process. Some people expect immediate miracles and really it is healthiest to lose slow and steady and keep it off. It's great to have this site for support -- keep sharing.

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I love it! THATS JUST KEEPING IT REAL!!!!! LOL my kind of girl! I can relate to the same things. I will share a embarrassing story. I went to Knotts Berry farm in July with my 2 kiddos and my sister. I ATTEMPTED to get on a ride with my daughter...can u guess the ending??? LOL BAR WUD NOT CLOSE! If I wud have sucked it up a little more it probably wud have but not safe for my 3 year old. So this was one of my main reasons to have this done was so that I can do fun things with my kids. I was able to with my son cuz I wasn't that big back then...he's 10 now. This is why I believe in karma cuz about 3 yrs ago my husband tried to get on a ride with our son and they kicked him off and I laughed!!! LAUGHED WITH HIM...I wud have never laughed if it hurt his feelings! So becuz I laughed it kicked me in the butt too! Lol ok so I totally get u on ur reasons! Best of luck to u!

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I have to keep it honest--if I dont, then who will do it for me? lol!! Obviously there are tons of health benefits as well, and those are more important to me, but if I were to say the other things dont matter to me, then I would be lying! :)

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ok, I have more to add to this list...

-shopping at stores like PacSun- and not having to look at the "guys" side-- cant wait to get the "Girlie clothes" I've always only been able to DREAM about

-Being excited about shopping for things OTHER than makeup or purses or new earrings (even shoe shopping isnt fun for me right now lol!!)

-Seeing the look on my ex husband's face the first time he sees me after I've gotten into a shape other than ROUND

-Knowing that my ex-husband's new wife will be totally JEALOUS!!! (she is AT LEAST 50 pounds heavier than me, and 6 inches shorter.. and pointing that out isnt very nice of me, i know.. but if you knew the kind of person she was, you would understand lol!!!)

-finally going to do the "pinup photo shoot" I've been waiting for, and being able to actually FEEL sexy!!!

-not taking all my pictures with my camera 108232407234 feet above me to make me look thinner than I am haha

-Not being scared that I'm too fat to sky-dive!!


ok.... that's all, for now!


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