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"Just go get yourself a gym membership..."

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I originally sat down to write this post with positive attitude, with so much to say.... And now I sit here amazed at how quick my mood could be changed with just one simple comment-- from someone who I do actually like and think of as a friend.

"Just go get yourself a gym membership and work it off"-- was the comment I got from my friend when they saw that I was logging into this website...


How often do people say this to us? (Us being the "over weight" of the world...) And let me clearify- I'm not just "Overweight"- I AM OBESE! I am fat, and I know it. To deny it would be stupid- why would I try to deny what the naked eye can see?? If I could lose the weight I NEED to lose by simply working out- don't they think I would have done that by now?! Don't they think I would save myself a ton of money, a ton of time, and just simply "get a gym membership and work it off"????? I just don't understand!!!


The person who happened to make this comment is a nurse- a RN. Someone who is supposed to be medically trained. So, I guess I was wrong as assuming that those in the medical field would understand a little more than the uneducated. But- you know what they say about assuming!!! I should have known better I guess!


I guess it's kind of like how extremly skinny people are always told "just eat something!" or "put some meat on your bones!" It's not always that easy. Of course, because I am on the opposite end of that (on the obese side) I would love to be one of those who are told to eat something or put meat on my bones, the grass is always greener, right?! But the truth is, it's not just that simple. Just going to the gym and working out isnt going to make us lose all the weight we need to lose, and just eating something wont make an unhealthy underweight person gain the weight they need. Not all of us get they pleasure of being able to have "healthy weight bodies"- not all of us get to shop in the regular sized departments, not all of us get to wake up with the energy and ability to have a "regular" day. Some of us have to shop in "plus sized" or even "Children's" departments-- some of us have to sit down and take breaks when others can walk the whole mile or play with their children-- some of us have to fight things like diabetes or heart disease (or other diseases) related to our weights...


I'm sorry- just letting out steam... people just upset me with how simple minded they are, and the judgements they pass... I am not a lazy person. I am a 27 year old single mother who takes care of not only a 4 year old child- but also my grandmother. I work two jobs, and I go to school... I work out when I can, but honestly- no, I don't do it as often as I should- but when do I have time?! Quit judging me and learn to look at your own self... I don't talk about your situations, please don't talk about mine unless you are here to support me.

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Great vent, I hope you feel better! Some times people can say the dumbest, most hurtful things because it just happened to pop into their heads! You know what's best for you, so to heck with all the un-supportive people in your life! I have been told that I took "the easy way out" with the Lapband. Yeah, right! You sound like you are a caregiver to all those around you...I hope that this surgery will give you the opportunity to be caring for yourself! Please keep us posted on your progress! Good luck!

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