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And boy oh boy do I have some questions for my DR. I love him and his staff, they have been amazing. BUT!!!

1. My port is not where they said it would be, and that upsets me.

2. Port location? Right of my bellybutton.

3. Port size? GOLF BALL...huge...sticking out...prominant as dogsballs!

4. Port tenderness...to be expected, not horrible

5. Shallow Laura's main concern...I plan on getting SUPER FLY...hot...smokin (lmao) and I also dream of wearing a bikini in some tropical location. My dream did NOT include a big lump next to my Belly button.

6. Is my bedroom a tropical location? hee hee. NO. Hawaii...I want to goto Hawaii when I reach goal.

7. What is my goal? 125 lbs, I am 5'5" and weighing 125 pounds will put me with a BMI of...21. RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF NORMAL.


I've never been in the middle of normal. Closest I've gotten to a normal bmi was my third or fourth round of weightwatchers when I clawed my way down to just barely overweight. And that lasted a month.


8. Pounds lost thus far? 16. (pre op and post op diets)

9. Pounds to go until I reach goal? 53.

10. General mood---more HOPEFUL about the future than I've been in a long long time.




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Doesn't sound right on the port......I can't even feel mine. So glad you are getting that checked!

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I opted for the one incision vs the 5 incision process...dr said with 5..the port is high. with 1...the port is low. right now is all swelling. dr used a lowprofile port, size of nickle.

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