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OK, So I'm on the pre-op diet, and in two words, IT SUCKS. If I could eat this way, I would NOT need the band in the first place. THAT SAID, I am committed to do everything and anything my MD dells me to do in order to make this a success. INCLUDING the preop and post op diet. I am fearful of the bandster's hell for the few months following surgery but before true restriction kicks in. I told my boyfriend about my concerns, and he was actually really helpful and made a good point. He said, "well, you've always been able to stick to something for a month or two, you've just never been able to maintain it for a lifetime...so just get thru those few months" I'll just take it a little bit at a time and hope restriction comes sooner than later.

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u know - i thought i would HATE the pre-op liquid diet but i didn't ... not totally. i'm not sure what you've been allowed but i could have v-8 - so i spiced it up like a virgin bloody mary - drank that in the a.m. and it filled me up until i could have my boost and f/f s/f pudding. in the evenings i would use an imersion blender in my cream of mushroom, chicken and celery soups to make them thicker instead of straining them - i even steamed broccoli and blended it in - i found it more filling. popcicles were my best friends when i need to feel like i was eating something sweet.

i know it's not easy - but the reward of not having to lose that much more weight after surgery was my goal to stick to it! i actually lost 17 lbs in those 2 weeks and i'm not looking back!

best of luck to you!


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It does suck a bit...BUT after my 4 day 'withdrawl' I felt GREAT!! What saved me...BACON!! And those stupid Pork Rinds--gag..now I have NEVER eaten them before and admitted they were gross...but I guess I have a crunchy snacking issue at night, 3 of those suckers and I felt ok.

That said--it is SO SO SO SO SO Worth it!! Don't give up...or give in...The BEST thing I have ever done for myself! I had surgery FEb 12 2010...down 69lbs or

so...and feel great.

You will do it!

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